> On 23 Nov 2015, at 17:31, Peter Uhnak <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 04:25:28PM +0100, Skip Lentz wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> As part of my internship I am creating bindings to the GitHub API in Pharo.
>> As a prototype and demo, I have created a small tool last week to do some 
>> basic versioning, namely checking out a version, committing a version and 
>> showing a log of commits along with a branch tree.
>> Here’s a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/iMfWOvp.png 
>> <http://i.imgur.com/iMfWOvp.png>
>> The repository of the bindings and the tool is here: 
>> http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Balletie/GitHub
>> To load the tool into your image, execute:
>> (ConfigurationOfGitHub project version: #development) load: #tool
>> Keep in mind that this is tied to GitHub, since internally it uses the API. 
>> A nice side effect of this is that everything can be done in-memory.
> Do you have any plans to eventually make a "Git Tool" out of it, rather
> than GitHub Tool?
> Why is it tied to GitHub in the first place? Are you planning to support

I think that it’s tied to github because there are nice api. The goal is not to 
have a tool that helps you to work with git, but the one that allows you to 
browse git repos. This is a nice small project that can be a part of some 
larger one.

> some github-specific features like issue tracker, etc? Because not being
> able to have git repo localy is actually a hindrance and not a "nice
> side effect" (unless of course you are using git as monticello).
> Peter

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