Useful code snippet! Thanks!


> On Jan 4, 2016, at 10:47 PM, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:
> a) Spec
> ~~~~~~~~~~~
> tm := TextModel new.
> tm autoAccept: true. "otherwise you would have to pres ctrl+s to 'save' the 
> result in memory"
> tm openWithSpec. "this will open text window
> "and then you can do"
> tm text. "retrieve current text from the TextModel (returns an instance of 
> Text)"
> tm text: 'new content' "set a new content"
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> b) Workspace
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> w := Workspace new.
> w open.
> w contents. "note that you must ctrl+s the content in the workspace for it to 
> appear here (there's a yellow triangle in top right corner if the content is 
> not saved"
> w contents: '123'.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Workspace can also be saved/loaded to disk.
> c) Playground
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> (page := GTPlayPage new)
>       saveContent: 'initial content'.
> (playground := GTPlayground new)
>       openOn: page.
> page content. "retrieve the content; just like with Workspace you must ctrl+s 
> when editing in the Playground itself"
> "updating is a bit more complex, but it still seems to work"
> page saveContent: 'new content'.
> playground update.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Peter
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:51 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:
> > On 04 Jan 2016, at 07:34, Tudor Girba <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >> On Jan 4, 2016, at 3:21 AM, Andy Burnett <> 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> I often find that I need to do simple manipulations to passages of text, 
> >> e.g. remove all carriage returns, or extract email addresses etc.
> >>
> >> Pasting the text into a Playground doesn't work because there is always an 
> >> apostrophe, or line break or... etc. and the playground complains.
> >>
> >> Is there a way to tell a Playground to just ignore the text, and give me a 
> >> handle to its contents, so that I can then do something like
> >>
> >> playgroundId contents splitOn:Character space.
> >>
> >> Alternatively, is there another object that would be more appropriate? 
> >> Playground would be really useful just because it is in the menu, and 
> >> always available.
> >
> > The Playground does not yet allow you to do that. But, you can use the 
> > Clipboard:
> >
> > Clipboard clipboardText splitOn:Character space.
> I do this a lot: using #clipboardText is a way to get to a copied string 
> without any problems.
> You can also do a Print It on 'Clipboard clipboardText asString' which will 
> render the string using the Pharo quoting conventions.
> > Cheers,
> > Doru
> >
> >> Cheers
> >> Andy
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > "Value is always contextual."

Alexandre Bergel

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