
> Am 12.01.2016 um 16:25 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:
> Given a ZdcSecureSocketStream you can access the #sslSession. In this session 
> object you can use #certificateName: to set the path or name of the 
> certificate (before you #connect !). That is the general idea.
> Now, I don't know if this works or not. Be prepared to look in the plugin C 
> code! On Linux this will probably work.
> And please let us know how it goes ;-)
I spend some time yesterday trying it. With a linux installation I could issue 
a client connection and that didn't throw an error. Then Holger was really 
helpful with Mac OS. He just compiled the Mac plugin using the unix openssl 
sources. I just copied that in the VM folder and then I could do the same on my 
Mac. I tried to send a push message via apples push server using:

| deviceId payload ip stream notification |
payload := '{
    "aps" : {
        "alert" : "Pharo finally got it!"
deviceId := 'XXX'.

notification := ByteArray streamContents: [ :str |
                nextPut: 1;
                nextPutAll: (1 asPaddedByteArray: 4);
                nextPutAll: ((DateAndTime now + 1 day) asUTC asUnixTime 
                nextPutAll: (32 asPaddedByteArray: 2);
                nextPutAll: (ByteArray readHexFrom: deviceId);
                nextPutAll: (payload size asPaddedByteArray: 2);
                nextPutAll: payload asByteArray ].

ip := NetNameResolver addressForName: 'gateway.push.apple.com' timeout: 30.
stream := ZdcSecureSocketStream
    openConnectionToHost: ip
    port: 2195
    timeout: 30.
    shouldSignal: true;
    autoFlush: false;
    bufferSize: 4096;
    timeout: 30.
stream sslSession
    certificateName: '/Users/norbert/multiprod.pem'.
    nextPutAll: notification;

That is working and I receive the message on my phone. So basically the client 
certificate stuff seems to work. The awkward thing about it is that you have to 
specify a filename for the cert. I have the certificates in a database and 
writing a file everytime I want to send something is not that good. Especially 
not if there are concurrent requests for sending messages.

There is one constraint for this to work. You specify a filename for 
certificate. In the file you need to have certificate and key. The plugin reads 
both from the same file. There is no code for specifying a CA chain. So this is 
resolved system wide and that means you need to install every CA for your 
certificate in the system. 


>> On 12 Jan 2016, at 16:05, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
>> Is there a way to make SSL connections to the outside world using client 
>> certificates from pharo?
>> thanks,
>> Norbert

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