Hello Sven,

You can use the VM with the JIT on the Pie now (Spur Cog VM). It is
deployed by default on the recent raspberry pis and has millions of users
for Squeak and Scratch since August 2015 (the raspberry pie fondation paid
Tim for the ARM JIT on the Cog because of the size of their user base).

As far as I know there is no way to build it in the Pharo VM branch. Just
pick a version compiled from the trunk, that should work fine with the
latest Pharo 5 (note that it requires a Spur image, so it needs one of the
latest Pharo 5). Here is where you can get it:

Now even with performance improvement of the VM, some people reported that
the UI of the Pharo image is too slow to be usable on the raspberry pi 1
(Nautilus takes *many* seconds to open for example, same for GT tools). Try
and report your experience.

On many benchs, the JIT VM for the pie has been reported on average 3 to 5x
faster than the Stack VM. Note that the new FFI, even if it reuses the VM
FFI backend, is dependent on x86, hence you need to use the old FFI syntax
to have it working on the raspberry pie (there is some code to load in the
image to do so).

Have fun and report your experience with the raspberry pi and Pharo please,


2016-02-12 23:05 GMT+01:00 Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:

> Hi,
> I have been using the PharoS VM for a Pharo 4 based app on Raspberry Pi
> (Rasbian).
> This VM is quite slow.
> Now that Pharo 5 is Spur based, what is the recommended VM on that
> platform ?
> I was hoping to use a faster VM, if that is available.
> Is anyone having some concrete experience in this area ?
> Thx,
> Sven

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