Regarding the html generation from topics, Peter and Uko are working
on something to automate everything.

If you want to propose new ideas, please send github PR to :

Can we add Peter (github ID: peteruhnak) as a contributor to Pharo org
on github ?

Thank you all.

On Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 2:02 PM, Serge Stinckwich
<> wrote:
> Dear pharoers,
> this year Pharo consortium (and community) is going to take part in the
> Google Summer of Code event[1] as a standalone organization. This is
> an opportunity to promote Pharo, get some job done and have students
> paid.
> Currently we are at the most important stage as we are preparing the
> organization application, and hoping that we will be accepted and
> granted decent amount of project slots. Everyone can help with
> application by submitting ideas for student projects.
> I reuse the list of the last year :
> It is in STON format, and result is being generated at:
> Please add (or update) your ideas following the format of existing projects 
> and
> open a pull request with them (you will need a github account).
> Preferably submit ideas with possible mentors, but if none are
> available at the moment ideas without mentors are also welcome.
> The template to submit projects is :
> PharoTopic new
> title: 'The name of your project;
> contact: 'email address';
> supervisors: 'Supervisors names';
> keywords: 'keywords separated by spaces;
> context: 'a description of the context of the project';
> goal: 'description of the goal';
> level: 'Beginner or Intermediate or Advanced';
> yourself.
> We will need a lot of projects/idea before February 19th 2016, the
> deadline for applying to GSOC 2016.
> Do not hesitate to ask me questions.
> If you don't know how to edit the list, please send your project description
> following the template to me.
> [1]
> Regards,
> --
> Serge Stinckwich
> Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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