
Ok. Indeed, what you are describing is what we call Snippets. We would like the 
Playground to be formed of Snippets, where each Snippet can be of different 
types (one of them is a picture). We had indeed a prototype that was demoed at 
ESUG. This will have to be redone once Bloc becomes more stable. This will not 
be immediate, but this is an important goal for us.


> On Feb 21, 2016, at 12:55 AM, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 12:15 AM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> > On Feb 21, 2016, at 12:06 AM, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > is it possible to somehow embed images (Form) inside Playground?
> >
> > The use case is a kind of in-image help or guide where one could also 
> > execute code, but there would be also example images.
> This is not yet possible, but it is intended to move in that direction.
> > Or maybe have a container Morph that would contain Playground? Is that 
> > possible?
> Intriguing idea. Could you elaborate on this?
> Well the idea is rather simple. Imagine that instead of having a website or a 
> book or a pdf somewhere you would have a more live version directly in the 
> image that you could interact with.
> An extremely crude example:
> <pharo.png>
> ​
> Creating something like that is currently quite awful:
> ```
> window := SystemWindow new.
> window addMorph: (RubScrolledTextMorph new beWrapped; yourself) frame: (0@0 
> corner: 1@0.2).
> window addMorph: (SpecWindow allInstances detect: [ :each | each identityHash 
> = 330624768 ]) frame: (0@0.2 corner: 1@0.4).
> window addMorph: (RubScrolledTextMorph new beWrapped; 
> beForSmalltalkScripting; yourself) frame: (0@0.4 corner: 1@0.6).
> '/tmp/pharo.png' asFileReference binaryReadStreamDo: [ :stream |
>       window addMorph: (PNGReadWriter formFromStream: stream) asMorph frame: 
> (0@0.6 corner: 1 @0.8)
> ].
> window addMorph: (RubScrolledTextMorph new beWrapped; 
> beForSmalltalkScripting; yourself) frame: (0@0.8 corner: 1@1).
> window submorphs second push.
> window openInWorld.
> ```
> Also I've just realized that on ESUG someone (Andrei I think) was showing 
> something like this running on Bloc… but I have no memory what it was called.
> Peter


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