And Zn has a very simple one too (since recently):

  "Generate an HTML page with links to all pages I support"
  ^ ZnHtmlOutputStream streamContents: [ :html |
      html page: (self class name, ' Help') do: [       
        html tag: #h3 with: 'Available Pages'.
        html tag: #ul do: [
          prefixMap keys sorted do: [ :each | 
            html tag: #li do: [ 
              html tag: #a attributes: { #href. each } with: each ] ] ] ] ]

But Seaside's is better, though much larger.

> On 26 Feb 2016, at 06:38, Damien Cassou <> wrote:
> MartinW <> writes:
>> I know, there are templating systems like Mustache, but I always loved
>> Seaside's Canvas/Brush metaphor for creating HTML. Is it available as a
>> standalone package, so it can be used outside of Seaside?
> Pillar has this which is less powerful thank Seaside but good enough for
> us:
>       canvas tag
>               name: 'a';
>               parameterAt: 'id' put: anId;
>               with: ''
> -- 
> Damien Cassou
> "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
> losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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