Nice one!


> On Mar 16, 2016, at 11:36 PM, Stephan Eggermont <> wrote:
> On 03/03/16 09:23, stepharo wrote:
>> for the mooc I would like have a list of how to that students should
>> look in the system and implement.
>> The idea is to show to the participants that Pharo is open and that they
>> can find information.
> At #saner16 there was a talk about type hints in argument names in Pharo. The 
> longest they found was aSelectorOrElementOrjQueryOrBooleanOrNumber.
> Alexandre replied that that could have been one of his, so I checked in  a 
> Seaside image (jQuery is a good hint), it was
> JQAccordion>active: aSelectorOrElementOrjQueryOrBooleanOrNumber
> by Lukas. So what are the longest type hinting argument names Alexandre uses? 
> In Moose 6-1137?
> |arguments|
> arguments := Set new.
> (CompiledMethod allInstances select: [ :each |
>  each author = 'AlexandreBergel' ])
> do: [ :m |
>  arguments addAll: m argumentNames ].
> arguments asOrderedCollection sort: [ :a :b | a size > b size ]
> gives
> numberOfMillisecondsToWaitBeforeRefresh
> changePrimarySelectionSelector
> aValueOrASymbolOrAOneArgBlock
> ...
> Stephan


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