libusb seems to be plain C, so it would make a nice use-case for uFFI

There was an attempt at making a binding last year:

On 17 April 2016 at 12:15, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:

> This seems relevant:
> Peter
> On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 9:52 AM, stepharo <> wrote:
>> First hello and welcome to Pharo.
>> Second can you be clear about what you want to achieve?
>> I have Squeak on a RPi but I don't know how to access any USB peripherals
>>> or how to make primitives to do so. I want to use RPi for controlling a
>>> microcontroller and processing webcam video for my robot.
>> That would be really nice.
>>> If I can't get that in Smalltalk can it be added
>> I do not know RPi
>>     the system can be extended
>>         - adding a vm pluging (check the new blue book on my web page to
>> get an idea)
>>         - doing an FFI call (now I do not know the status of the FFI on
>> rasp)
>> or what language should I move to?
>>> I was referred to
>>> but I can't get it to work on RPi.
>> What are the exact problems you face?
>> Because this is a bit short.
>>> A major focus of RPi is to teach electronics but without access to the
>>> peripherals, Smallltalk is not useful.  But some access is available in
>>> Scratch which is built on top of Squeak so why can't I get access to that
>>> code directly instead of going through the Scratch changes file?
>> I do not know. May be this is just one pluging missing.
>> Did you check Phratch?
>> Why can't I get Smalltalk goodies like I used to buy from Digitalk?
>> You see:
>>     - the world got more complex we provide vm for OSX, iOS, Windows
>> (different flavors), rasp, android, linux (different flavors),
>>     - second so far Pharo is free. Now you can help either by offering
>> some time or putting money for a bounty on the table
>>     - third we are really busy making sure that Pharo 5.0 is on time and
>> robust.
>>> With all the VM work, there must be a way to hook up C++ code like
>>> OpenCV to do real time video contours and other image recognition
>>> algorithms.
>> Forget about C++ the binary is not standard. You have to wrap the C++
>> library into a C program and you could used (now it changed because
>> we do not use nativeboost anymore).
>> Dolphin has a somewhat easy way to add primitives.
>> Pharo too.
>> You should read the uFFI draft documentation. Check the mail if was sent
>> recently.
>>> If Squeak all in one contains package bundles only for Mac, why not
>>> include essentials for RPi?

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