
I asked a simililar question some days ago, maybe this [1] can help.




[1]: http://forum.world.st/Unified-FFI-pointer-of-String-as-function-parameter-td4898066.html

On 31/05/16 16:28, Blondeau Vincent wrote:
TL;DR: How to pass as argument an array of Strings (char **) with Unified-FFI?


De : Blondeau Vincent
Envoyé : mercredi 25 mai 2016 13:58
À : Pharo Development List
Objet : [UFFI] Call a function where argument type is char ** (argv)


I have written a R bridge in Pharo and I would like to migrate it from 
NativeBoost to UFFI.
Most of the changes are easy to do but I am stuck to a double pointer problem.
I have to call the function: int Rf_initEmbeddedR(int argc, char ** argv). I 
know how to give the int but the char ** is a problem. It is an array of 

With NB, I managed to have this (working) code:
                 "This is 32bit... too bad..."
                 strings := OrderedCollection new.
                 par := NativeBoost allocate: 4 * params size.
                                 keysAndValuesDo: [ :i :each |
                                                 | str |
                                                 str := each asNBExternalString.
                                                 strings add: str.
                                                 par nbUInt32AtOffset: (i - 1) 
* 4 put: str value ].
                 self prim_initEmbeddedRargc: params size argv: par ]
                                 ensure: [
                                                 "Free the memory we allocated"
                                                 par ifNotNil: [ par free ].
                                                 strings ifNotNil: [ strings 
do: [ :each | each free ] ] ]

With a primitive call:
Self nbCall: #(int Rf_initEmbeddedR(int argc, char *argv))

Do I still need to create my own array of strings or FFI creates it for me? How?

Thanks in advance for your answers,


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