On Sun, Jun 05, 2016 at 03:38:17PM -0700, francescoagati wrote:
> NBSQLite3DatabaseAccessor isn't present. i have substitute with
> DatabaseAccessor.
> but i have this error unable to connect

Try this:

  | login accessor |
  login := Login new 
    database: UDBCSQLite3Platform new;
    host: SmalltalkImage current imagePath asFileReference parent fullName,
      FileSystem disk delimiter asString;
    port: '';
    username: '';
    password: '';
    databaseName: 'sodbxtestu.db';
  PharoDatabaseAccessor DefaultDriver: GlorpSQLite3Driver.
  accessor := PharoDatabaseAccessor forLogin: login.
  accessor login.
  (accessor executeSQLString: 'select * from sqlite_master') explore.
  accessor logout.


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