2016-06-07 8:21 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnak <i.uh...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> is it possible to return "synchronously" even if I have an asynchronous
> message?
> For example:
> SomeObject>>someMethod
>         ^ UIManager default chooseFrom: #(a b c)
> When the above method is executed, it will open a popup and block the
> execution until I select something, then it will return the selection.
> But if I instead have something like this
> SomeObject>>otherMethod
>         |choice|
>         NewListModel new
>                 items: #(a b c);
>                 whenSelectedItemChanged: [ :item | choice := item ];
>                         openDialogWithSpec.
>                         choice.
> Then it will open the window but it will immediately return nil.

With a spec window, you can try to open it modal
WindowModel>>#modalRelativeTo: aWindow

> So my question is: is it possible to synchronously return even in the
> second example / block the flow until a selection is made?
> Thanks,
> Peter

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