
You can blame me  for that because I could not find a JSON  web token. It
would be nice to have a search facility. Or am I missing an obvious feature
I should be using? I am mostly experienced with cincom smalltalk. I like
Pharo. My only criticism is that thing could be easier to set up. I am
still trying to figure out how to get a commit to a git repository hosted
of bit buck to commit etc. The customer set it there not me. I just have to
get it to work ;-)


Kind Regards,

Sean Glazier

On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:

> Hey Johan,
> didn't find it when starting my own. Mine is between 2 and 3 years old.
> Maybe parallel development ;)
> Mine is pretty basic and uses only SHA256. I implemented for internal use
> and just released as sven was asking.
> Norbert
> Am 22.07.2016 um 19:20 schrieb Johan Brichau <jo...@inceptive.be>:
> Hey Norbert,
> Also see here: http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~JohanBrichau/Json-WebToken
> ;)
> Are you using cryptography package?
> Cheers,
> Johan
> On 22 Jul 2016, at 10:17, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks to the inquiry of Sven I published an implementation of
> JSONWebToken to smalltalkhub. It is available at
> http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~NorbertHartl/JSONWebToken
> For those who don't know JSONWebToken or short JWT pronounced "jot" is a
> token format suitable for authentication and authorization. The token
> consist of a header, a payload and a signature. The header defines crypto
> algorithms, compression and other things needed to read a token on
> reception. The payload is called a claim set which is basically a
> dictionary with well-known and custom keys. If we think about OAuth or
> OpenId the values contained map directly to JWT claims. For OpenID connect
> which is an identification mechanism on top of OAuth the usage of JWT is
> one of the building blocks.
> What are the advantages in using JWT?
> - it defines a header for encoding the content so it is quite flexible in
> the ways compression and encryption of the key is done
> - defines a payload which maps arbitrary keys and there is a set of
> well-known keys that implementations of OAuth, OpenID can understand
> - defines a signature that makes it easy to trust the information
> contained or to give the token to someone who is not trusted
> - token format is a single line string so it can be used e.g. in HTTP
> authentication headers
> A problem JWT can solve:
> In our company we have a lot of little REST servers serving some duties.
> To minimize the chaos I want to have a central authentication and
> authorization point. If we assume having 20 images running and we look at
> typical way how authorization works:
> there is image A (Authentication), image S (Service) und client C. Client
> C wants to use the service S
> 1. client C authenticates and retrieves authorization information from A
> (or from S which redirects him to A)
> 2. client C hands out the authorization information to S
> 3. S needs to check at A if the information is valid (client C could have
> modified it or generated it)
> 4. S grants C access
> Taking the assumption of having 20 service images, every image would need
> to get back to A in order to check authorization information. The more
> services images you have the more load it will put on A. In a JWT use case
> scenario the same would look like
> 1. client C authenticates and receives a JWT containing authorization
> information. The token is signed by A
> 2. client C hands out JWT to service S
> 3. S checks the signature of A and knows that the authorization
> information contained is valid.
> 4. S grants C access
> FYI,
> Norbert

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