Le 27/07/2016 à 23:42, Esteban Lorenzano a écrit :

- first, there is a high change people already have git installed in their 

Hum. Do they need to have a ssh key registered on github to use ssh-based urls? GitFileTree (and Iceberg?) tend to focus on ssh urls, even if gitfiletree has support for https urls (but they are a bit harder to write).

- but anyway, people does not have to install git to load a project, metacello 
will download a zip and install from there, no clone and no anything needed.

The equivalence is, given a gitfiletree url of:


the github:// url for Metacello will be:


and github:// can target tags or commits as well as branches.


- and you can also prepare ConfigurationOf that points to tags/commits/branchs 
from git, so you can do your versions “Yuriy style”, pointing to them…

finally, if you want a mirror you can do a script more or less like this one:

git clone blah dir
curl get.pharo.org | bash
./pharo Pharo.image eval “
| packages gofer |

packages := #('FFI-Pools' 'SharedPool-Speech' 'Balloon-Engine-Pools' 'Sound' 
'Alien-Core' 'VMMaker-oscog' 'VMMaker.oscog' 'Cog' 'Qwaq-VMProfiling-Plugins' 
'VMConstruction-Plugins-OSProcessPlugin.oscog' 'Freetype-Plugin' 
'SqueakSSL-Plugin' 'ObjectiveC-Plugin' 'Applescript-Core' 'CMakeVMMaker' 

gofer := Gofer it
        url: 'filetree://dir/mc';
packages do: [ :packageName |  gofer package: packageName ].
gofer fetch.
gofer := Gofer it
        url: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pharo/PharoVM/main' username: 
'PharoMirrorJob' password: ’shhh';
packages do: [ :packageName |  gofer package: packageName ].
gofer push.

and you can run it in a cron :)


On 27 Jul 2016, at 23:26, Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kube...@icloud.com> wrote:


How can I save (from time to time) project packages hosted on GitHub to 

The reason is that I do not want to force people to install GIT when they want 
to install a project.
So I am thinking to regularly deploy it on SmalltalkHub and update 

Thanks in advance,

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