
I think i am missing something. 

For example in the following code (took from the tests): 

    | victim virus actual |
    virus := GHObjectVirus behaviour: GHGhostBehaviourStub new.

    victim := 0@0 corner: 3@4.
    virus infect: victim.
    victim corner 

The evaluation is trapped by the send:to: method in the behavior (i've
put a halt there). However if i replace the "corner" message by an
inspect of the victim, and if i evaluate "self corner", then the message
is processed without going through the send:to: method of the behavior.
It is not halted and the victim responds immediately to the message. I
have also tried to add a new method in the Rectangle class that calls
"self corner". When called in the playground, my new message is trapped
but not the "corner" sent to self. 

>From what i understand it could be related to the behavior i use, but i
don't see what's missing.    

Le 2016-07-28 11:35, Denis Kudriashov a écrit :

> I think I not understood second part of "self problem" in this paper. But 
> self sends are covered by virus as I described. 
> 2016-07-28 11:30 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:
> Hi 
> 2016-07-27 22:19 GMT+02:00 Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io>:
> Hi, 
> I use virus from Ghost to intercept messages sent to a given object and adapt 
> methods behaviors for this particular object only. However it would seems 
> that doing interception this way is subject to the "self problem" described 
> in this paper from Stéphane (DUCASSE, Stéphane. Evaluating message passing 
> control techniques in Smalltalk. _JOURNAL OF OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING_, 
> 1999, vol. 12, p. 39-50). 
> I understand i could do instance based adaptation using an other technique, 
> but i wonder if there is any way with Ghost to deal with this "self problem" 
> problem ? I think "self problem" is only related to classic proxies when 
> objects stay behind them. But ObjectVirus is not proxy in this meaning. When 
> you infect your object by virus it is not replaced by somebody else. It is 
> same original instance but with overridden behaviour. That's why I call it 
> virus without any relation to proxies. 
> Any message to infected object is processed by your behaviour. All self sends 
> are intercepted. But there are few exceptions: 
> - special messages like ==,ifTrue/ifNil are not intercepted
> - meta messages are not intercepted. They processed by Ghost mechanics but 
> they not passed to your behaviour. Meta messages defined by #currentMetaLevel 
> of your behaviour. You could implement it like: 
> YourGhostBehaviour>>currentMetaLevel 
> ^GHMetaLevel empty 
> Empty meta level means that all messages will be passed to your behaviour. 
> There is also "GHMetaLevel standard" which is default one. It makes most of 
> "tool messages" not interceptable. For example #printString, #class, 
> #instVarAt: will be not intercepted. It's messages which are usually used by 
> tools like inspector and debugger.  
> Standard meta level simplifies debugging of new behaviours. If you make 
> mistake somewhere standard messages will be not broken and you could debug 
> error by tools.

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