I am pretty sure I am talking to a bot, but in the case you are a real human, 
this is how you would parse the file you gave as example (which is technically 
TSV, tab separated values):

| input |
input := 'Día   Evento Registrado       Número  Originante      Moneda (*)      
Monto (*)       Fecha de Ejecución (pago, cobro o congelamiento)        
Frecuencia de Pago      Comprobante Asociado (**)
1       Factura F1      Propia  Pesos   1000    Día 10  -       -       
1       Factura F2      Propia  Pesos   500     Día 11  -       -       
2       Factura F3      Terceros        Pesos   250     Día 11  -       -       
3       Factura F4      Propia  Dólares 5000    Día 10  -       -       
4       Factura F5      Propia  Dólares 5000    Día 22  -       -       
5       Factura F6      Terceros        Dólares 5000    Día 23  -       -       
6       Factura F7      Propia  Dólares 5000    Día 35  -       -       
7       Factura Recurrente      FR8     Propia  Pesos   100     Día 11  3 
veces, cada 10 días.  -       
8       Factura Recurrente      FR9     Propia  Pesos   150     Día 15  3 
veces, cada 5 días.   -       
10      Congelamiento FR        FR9     -       -       -       Día 22  -       
10      Factura (Real)  F81     Propia  Pesos   100     Día 11  -       FR8     
14      Factura (Real)  F91     Propia  Pesos   150     Día 15  -       FR9     
19      Factura (Real)  F92     Propia  Pesos   150     Día 20  -       FR9     
20      Factura (Real)  F82     Propia  Pesos   100     Día 21  -       FR8     
30      Factura (Real)  F83     Propia  Pesos   100     Día 31  -       FR8     
(NeoCSVReader on: input readStream) separator: Character tab; skipHeader; 



> On 28 Jul 2016, at 19:17, Alejandro Adgi Romano 
> <adgiromanoalejan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good morning!
> Okey, so, i must create an object from Ghost?
> I am sendig all of you the data from cvs file.
> What I need is generate a code in Pharo for Read this information, (because i 
> need work with the pays, or the credits notes), so I need, in a variable for 
> example, put the value of the cell X, which contains the $Total.
> The information from csv file is like the next. I tried to use NeoCsv but i 
> don´t understood. Is good NeoCsv or is better the way using Ghost how you say?
> Día   Evento Registrado       Número  Originante      Moneda (*)      Monto 
> (*)       Fecha de Ejecución (pago, cobro o congelamiento)        Frecuencia 
> de Pago      Comprobante Asociado (**)
> 1     Factura F1      Propia  Pesos   1000    Día 10  -       -       
> 1     Factura F2      Propia  Pesos   500     Día 11  -       -       
> 2     Factura F3      Terceros        Pesos   250     Día 11  -       -       
> 3     Factura F4      Propia  Dólares 5000    Día 10  -       -       
> 4     Factura F5      Propia  Dólares 5000    Día 22  -       -       
> 5     Factura F6      Terceros        Dólares 5000    Día 23  -       -       
> 6     Factura F7      Propia  Dólares 5000    Día 35  -       -       
> 7     Factura Recurrente      FR8     Propia  Pesos   100     Día 11  3 
> veces, cada 10 días.  -       
> 8     Factura Recurrente      FR9     Propia  Pesos   150     Día 15  3 
> veces, cada 5 días.   -       
> 10    Congelamiento FR        FR9     -       -       -       Día 22  -       
> -       
> 10    Factura (Real)  F81     Propia  Pesos   100     Día 11  -       FR8     
> 14    Factura (Real)  F91     Propia  Pesos   150     Día 15  -       FR9     
> 19    Factura (Real)  F92     Propia  Pesos   150     Día 20  -       FR9     
> 20    Factura (Real)  F82     Propia  Pesos   100     Día 21  -       FR8     
> 30    Factura (Real)  F83     Propia  Pesos   100     Día 31  -       FR8     
> 2016-07-28 9:06 GMT-03:00 <pharo-users-requ...@lists.pharo.org>:
> Send Pharo-users mailing list submissions to
>         pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
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>         pharo-users-ow...@lists.pharo.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Pharo-users digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Update CI books written in Pillar (Yann Dubois)
>    2. Re: "self problem" with Ghost (virus) (Steven Costiou)
>    3. Re: "self problem" with Ghost (virus) (Denis Kudriashov)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 13:43:52 +0200
> From: Yann Dubois <yann59.dub...@gmail.com>
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> Subject: [Pharo-users] Update CI books written in Pillar
> Message-ID:
>         <calbp1jthe9gefp7s9kwand6qab_qzybuuqze1szh0onuswe...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi !
> In the last version of Pillar (4.0.x), Pillar don't manage the compilation
> cycle. So the ./compile.sh does not work anymore.
> To update our CI, we use a Makefile (I advise you to use this too). You
> have an example on :
> https://github.com/pillar-markup/Pillar-Archetype/blob/master/welcome/Makefile
> .
> In this Makefile, we create symbolic links pointing on the output
> directory. It causes "out of memory" on Jenkins. To solve this problem, you
> need to remove the symbolic links after the compilation. Personnaly, I had
> *find book-result -type l -exec unlink {} \;*
> at the end of the EnterprisePharo's Jenkins script.
> Cheers, Yann
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 13:46:01 +0200
> From: Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io>
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] "self problem" with Ghost (virus)
> Message-ID: <bc8fc09bd496425f4dc95cf029322...@kloum.io>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Ok by digging a bit, i found that it was a problem in my behavior though
> i don't understand it.
> When sending message to self, the #isMetaMessage: returns always true
> when evaluating the first test condition GHCurrentMetaLevelDepth value >
> 0 ifTrue: [ ^true ]. The value returns something higher than 0 and my
> "self messages" are considered to be meta-messages. It is very sensible
> to modifications, as just removing this test or try to bend it can
> freezes the image (just tried to see what would happen).
> I'm a bit lost, what should i do to consider "self messages" not "meta"
> in the behavior ?
> Le 2016-07-28 12:33, Steven Costiou a ?crit :
> > Hi,
> >
> > I think i am missing something.
> >
> > For example in the following code (took from the tests):
> >
> > | victim virus actual |
> > virus := GHObjectVirus behaviour: GHGhostBehaviourStub new.
> >
> > victim := 0@0 corner: 3@4.
> > virus infect: victim.
> > victim corner
> >
> > The evaluation is trapped by the send:to: method in the behavior (i've put 
> > a halt there). However if i replace the "corner" message by an inspect of 
> > the victim, and if i evaluate "self corner", then the message is processed 
> > without going through the send:to: method of the behavior. It is not halted 
> > and the victim responds immediately to the message. I have also tried to 
> > add a new method in the Rectangle class that calls "self corner". When 
> > called in the playground, my new message is trapped but not the "corner" 
> > sent to self.
> >
> > From what i understand it could be related to the behavior i use, but i 
> > don't see what's missing.
> >
> > Le 2016-07-28 11:35, Denis Kudriashov a ?crit :
> > I think I not understood second part of "self problem" in this paper. But 
> > self sends are covered by virus as I described.
> >
> > 2016-07-28 11:30 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > 2016-07-27 22:19 GMT+02:00 Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io>:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use virus from Ghost to intercept messages sent to a given object and 
> > adapt methods behaviors for this particular object only. However it would 
> > seems that doing interception this way is subject to the "self problem" 
> > described in this paper from St?phane (DUCASSE, St?phane. Evaluating 
> > message passing control techniques in Smalltalk. _JOURNAL OF OBJECT 
> > ORIENTED PROGRAMMING_, 1999, vol. 12, p. 39-50).
> >
> > I understand i could do instance based adaptation using an other technique, 
> > but i wonder if there is any way with Ghost to deal with this "self 
> > problem" problem ? I think "self problem" is only related to classic 
> > proxies when objects stay behind them. But ObjectVirus is not proxy in this 
> > meaning. When you infect your object by virus it is not replaced by 
> > somebody else. It is same original instance but with overridden behaviour. 
> > That's why I call it virus without any relation to proxies.
> > Any message to infected object is processed by your behaviour. All self 
> > sends are intercepted. But there are few exceptions:
> > - special messages like ==,ifTrue/ifNil are not intercepted
> > - meta messages are not intercepted. They processed by Ghost mechanics but 
> > they not passed to your behaviour. Meta messages defined by 
> > #currentMetaLevel of your behaviour. You could implement it like:
> >
> > YourGhostBehaviour>>currentMetaLevel
> > ^GHMetaLevel empty
> >
> > Empty meta level means that all messages will be passed to your behaviour. 
> > There is also "GHMetaLevel standard" which is default one. It makes most of 
> > "tool messages" not interceptable. For example #printString, #class, 
> > #instVarAt: will be not intercepted. It's messages which are usually used 
> > by tools like inspector and debugger.
> > Standard meta level simplifies debugging of new behaviours. If you make 
> > mistake somewhere standard messages will be not broken and you could debug 
> > error by tools.
> --
> kloum.io
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 14:05:33 +0200
> From: Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] "self problem" with Ghost (virus)
> Message-ID:
>         <cag0zxm4tgapxzf0pthrpu7jmr+t5id0e726vx_fv4xgnmtn...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Steven, I fixed it.
> Load development version (or just this:
> Ghost-ObjectVirus-DenisKudryashov.12).
> I will update stable soon
> 2016-07-28 13:46 GMT+02:00 Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io>:
> > Ok by digging a bit, i found that it was a problem in my behavior though i
> > don't understand it.
> >
> > When sending message to self, the #isMetaMessage: returns always true when
> > evaluating the first test condition GHCurrentMetaLevelDepth value > 0
> > ifTrue: [ ^true ]. The value returns something higher than 0 and my "self
> > messages" are considered to be meta-messages. It is very sensible to
> > modifications, as just removing this test or try to bend it can freezes the
> > image (just tried to see what would happen).
> >
> > I'm a bit lost, what should i do to consider "self messages" not "meta" in
> > the behavior ?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Le 2016-07-28 12:33, Steven Costiou a ?crit :
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I think i am missing something.
> >
> > For example in the following code (took from the tests):
> >
> >     | victim virus actual |
> >     virus := GHObjectVirus behaviour: GHGhostBehaviourStub new.
> >
> >     victim := 0@0 corner: 3@4.
> >     virus infect: victim.
> >     victim corner
> >
> > The evaluation is trapped by the send:to: method in the behavior (i've put
> > a halt there). However if i replace the "corner" message by an inspect of
> > the victim, and if i evaluate "self corner", then the message is processed
> > without going through the send:to: method of the behavior. It is not halted
> > and the victim responds immediately to the message. I have also tried to
> > add a new method in the Rectangle class that calls "self corner". When
> > called in the playground, my new message is trapped but not the "corner"
> > sent to self.
> >
> > From what i understand it could be related to the behavior i use, but i
> > don't see what's missing.
> >
> >
> >
> > Le 2016-07-28 11:35, Denis Kudriashov a ?crit :
> >
> > I think I not understood second part of "self problem" in this paper. But
> > self sends are covered by virus as I described.
> >
> > 2016-07-28 11:30 GMT+02:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:
> >
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> 2016-07-27 22:19 GMT+02:00 Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io>:
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> I use virus from Ghost to intercept messages sent to a given object and
> >>> adapt methods behaviors for this particular object only. However it would
> >>> seems that doing interception this way is subject to the "self problem"
> >>> described in this paper from St?phane (DUCASSE, St?phane. Evaluating
> >>> message passing control techniques in Smalltalk. *JOURNAL OF OBJECT
> >>> ORIENTED PROGRAMMING*, 1999, vol. 12, p. 39-50).
> >>>
> >>> I understand i could do instance based adaptation using an other
> >>> technique, but i wonder if there is any way with Ghost to deal with this
> >>> "self problem" problem ?
> >>>
> >> I think "self problem" is only related to classic proxies when objects
> >> stay behind them. But ObjectVirus is not proxy in this meaning. When you
> >> infect your object by virus it is not replaced by somebody else. It is same
> >> original instance but with overridden behaviour. That's why I call it virus
> >> without any relation to proxies.
> >> Any message to infected object is processed by your behaviour. All self
> >> sends are intercepted. But there are few exceptions:
> >> - special messages like ==,ifTrue/ifNil are not intercepted
> >> - meta messages are not intercepted. They processed by Ghost mechanics
> >> but they not passed to your behaviour. Meta messages defined by
> >> #currentMetaLevel of your behaviour. You could implement it like:
> >>
> >>
> >> YourGhostBehaviour>>currentMetaLevel
> >>
> >> ^GHMetaLevel empty
> >>
> >>
> >> Empty meta level means that all messages will be passed to your
> >> behaviour. There is also "GHMetaLevel standard" which is default one. It
> >> makes most of "tool messages" not interceptable. For example #printString,
> >> #class, #instVarAt: will be not intercepted. It's messages which are
> >> usually used by tools like inspector and debugger.
> >> Standard meta level simplifies debugging of new behaviours. If you make
> >> mistake somewhere standard messages will be not broken and you could debug
> >> error by tools.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > --
> > kloum.io
> >
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