Hi Alistair,

2016-09-01 10:38 GMT+02:00 Alistair Grant <akgrant0...@gmail.com>:

> If I have a CompositeModel which I want to display as a tab in a GT
> Inspector, what should the inspector method look like?  (I haven't been
> able to find any examples in the image or on the web)
> I assume it should be something like:
> gtInspectEditIn: composite
>     <gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 50>
>     ^ composite spec
>         title: 'Edit';
>         display: [ :anObject | MyCompositeModelEditor on: anObject ].
> But it isn't clear to me what the display block should be returning.

The model *after* building the widget with #buildWithSpec

> I can successfully open the window using:
> MyCompositeModelEditor new
>         editObject: anObject;
>         openWithSpec.
Here is an example how you can create a spec based presentation (an
IconListModel) ).
Add this method to the other gtInspectorMethods for class Morph (instance

gtInspectorSubmorphs2In: composite
    <gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 80>
    composite spec
        title: 'Submorphs2';
        display: [:each ||lm|
            lm:= IconListModel new.
            lm items: each submorphs.
            lm icons:[:item | item taskThumbnailOfSize: (16@16) ].
            lm displayBlock:[:item | item printString -> item class name].
            lm buildWithSpec.

> Thanks,
> Alistair

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