On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for arriving so late to this, but I was on holidays :)
> this is how autoRelease works:
> 1) #autoRelease of an object registers object for finalisation with a 
> particular executor. Then behaviour is divided:
> 2.1.1) for ExternalAddresses, it just registers in regular way, who will call 
> #finalize on GC
> 2.1.2) finalize will just call a free assuming ExternalAddress was allocated 
> (which is a malloc)
> 2.2.1) for all FFIExternalReference, it will register for finalisation what 
> #resourceData answers (normally, the handle of the object)
> 2.2.2) finalisation process will call the object 
> class>>#finalizeResourceData: method, with the #resourceData result as 
> parameter
> 2.2.3) each kind of external reference can decide how to free that data (by 
> default is also just freeing).
> An example of this is how CairoFontFace works (or AthensCairoSurface).

At the bottom of FFIExternalResourceExecutor class comment I read...
    "Note that in #finalizeResourceData: you cannot
     access any other properties of your instance,
     since it is already garbage collected."

But in my experiments it seems okay to access instance variables in #finalize.
For example...

CXString >> autoRelease
   self class finalizationRegistry add: self

CXString >> finalize
    Transcript crShow: 'Finalizing CXString ' ; show: self private_flags.
    self dispose.
    Transcript show: ', done!'.

CXString >>private_flags
    "This method was automatically generated"
    ^handle unsignedLongAt: 5

Libclang getClangVersion autoRelease.
Smalltalk garbageCollect.
"==> Finalizing CXString 1, done! "

Is this an unlucky coincidence?   Or maybe something changed from NB
to UFFI?  (There is a reference to NB there)
I am wary of believing my results contrary to the comment.  That old
engineering principle "When things work, it may be only reinforcing
your misconceptions."   :)

cheers -ben

> In you case, you will have something like:
> FFIExternalObject subclass: #CXString
> CXString class>>#finalizeResourceData: version
>         self ffiCall: #(void clang_disposeString(void *version))
> notice that here I casted to void*… this is because actually resourceData 
> answers a pointer, not the object.
> cheers,
> Esteban

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