It does not matter. When it comes to performance the workflow is always the
same whatever the language you use.

1. Profile the code see where it consume most CPU cycles
2. Can you improve the code to remove unnecessary processing ? You will be
surprised how many times its your code and not the language that is slow
3. If it's not your code can you find a library written in C that is
optimized for speed ?
4. If no then write the code in C compile it as shared library and use it
from the language of your choice using an FFI

Basically when a VM in a dynamic language finds a call to a C shared
library using the FFI it will freeze everything and give priority to the C
code to execute the call to its native speed. Then after the execution the
VM resumes. There is an overhead however for making the call.

Because speed depends on the factors I described above for many experienced
coders general benchmarks are completely useless.

Speed in the end is just machine code with as less instructions as possible
using most hardware acceleration as possible.

Talking about hardware acceleration if you try to do the same processing on
a list of data which is very large in parallel don't even consider C ,
instead go directly to GPU because it can accelerate even up to 100 times
compared to CPU. But in the end will depend on how much speed you really
need. If you indeed need it then you can accelerate your code using the GPU
with the help of CUDA or OpenCL.

Remember however that optimizing is the root of true evil , it will make
your code ugly, hard to read, difficult to extend and much more buggy.

PS: the vast majority of benchmarks including the ones linked by Clement
use just code written in the language tested also using the library that
the language comes with. That means that they use none of the normal
optimizations I described above and hence they cannot be considered
practical realistic scenarios.

On Thu, 8 Sep 2016 at 02:30, Vitor Medina Cruz <> wrote:

> Hello,
> How is Pharo compared with Ruby in terms of performance? Has someone done
> some comparison benchmark? If yes, that was done with other platforms?
> Regards,
> VItor

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