2016-09-22 15:58 GMT+02:00 Pablo Frias <pablosfr...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> We are teaching Smalltalk at the Universtity of Cordoba, Argentina with
> Pharo, but we are having the following issue.
> Sometimes y in different workstations, we notice that when instantiating
> an object and setting values using the accesors methods, the values are
> added in the object, but in different instance variables.
> For example:
> |a|
> a := MyPersonObject new.
> a age: 35.
> a name: 'Person name'.
> But when using the object, we notice that 35 has been saved to name and
> the string to age.
> Is that a known issue? Unfortunately we haven't tested Pharo 5.0 yet, so I
> cannot tell you if it is already fixed.
> Our current image is: Pharo 3.0 on Windows.
> Thanks in advance,
> Pablo

Hi Pablo,

I remember an issue with instance variable ordering. Applying some
refactorings from Nautilus, like generate accessor/rename remove or add
instance variables, will reorder (sort)
the instance variables!
This was fixed for 4.0


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