
On 02/10/16 17:13, p...@highoctane.be wrote:

Use it whenever you can, it will force you to understand how to do real stuff with it properly.

I do hackathons with it. https://hackernoon.com/hackapost-how-hackathons-can-be-the-best-learning-tool-under-the-sun-9c97e567e0a5

As complementary to the infrastructure, code standards, libraries and so on, a needed contribution, from the social dynamics perspective, are hachathons and workshops. We're making them regularly here (link at [1], in Spanish), with a critical data/code literacy approach. Last week we have our 5th edition and this week we're going to make an agile 6th edition.

[1] http://mutabit.com/dataweek/

I found the Pharo community very open to contribution. The fast feedback loop [2] is experienced here in a very visible way and most of the time the community is welcoming (with notable few exceptions, "ad hominen" attacks and poor argumentation, but also with a good self-correcting feedback from the broader community).

[2] http://www.slideshare.net/MarcusDenker/perfection-feedback-loops-or-why-worse-is-better-65540840

So is not a perfect place, as any other, but you'll find a way of contributing that is considered worthy and encouraged and even supported with economical resources from Pharo Association / Consorcium from time to time.

Welcome here, you and your contribution ;-),


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