Maybe this could become some kind of pillar file...

But things are changing a lot these days with SDL2 etc.
It is converging
    - SDL2 stabilisation
    - Sparta integrated into Bloc
    - TxText optimisation
    - Bloc stabilization
    Thales guys are starting to use it.


Any roadmap of these somewhere?


On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 7:03 PM, stepharo < <>> wrote:


    you should talk also with Glenn and Alain to get feedback. They
    will visit us in Nov.


    Le 7/10/16 à 15:14, Thibault Raffaillac a écrit :

        Thanks for these mails, that's actually very helpful!
        I am working on a shorter syntax for animations at the moment
        (than GLMAnimation, Viva, Bloc-Animation), and could not find
        a proper equivalent to requestAnimationFrame (i.e. that would
        be independent of any UI yet in sync with display, and as
        simple as possible).
        My solution was to repeatedly register to deferredUIMessages,
        implementing an intermediate block to add a timestamp like
        requestAnimationFrame (works wonders!/~ThibaultRaffaillac/Animation


        ps: I'll ask Guille asap for the state of ReactiveExtensions
        (lacks comments)

            Also, check


            UIProcess := [
            [World doOneCycle.  Processor yield.  false] whileFalse: [].
            ] newProcess priority: Processor userSchedulingPriority.
            UIProcess name: 'Morphic UI Process'.
            UIProcess resume

            digging into doOneCycle, you'll find:

            #doOneCycleFor: aWorld
            "Do one cycle of the interaction loop. This method is
            called *repeatedly
            the world is running. This is a moderately private method;
            a better
            alternative is usually either to wait for events or to
            check the state of
            things from #step methods."

            self interCyclePause: MinCycleLapse.
            self doOneCycleNowFor: aWorld.

            The interCyclePause is what make the UI timing alignment
            proper (notice
            serverMode) [and some Squeak remnant mention]:

            interCyclePause: milliSecs
            "delay enough that the previous cycle plus the amount of
            delay will equal
            milliSecs.  If the cycle is already expensive, then no
            delay occurs.
            However, if the system is idly waiting for interaction
            from the user, the
            method will delay for a proportionally long time and cause
            the overall CPU
            usage of *Squeak* to be low.
            If self serverMode returns true then, always do a complete
            delay of 50ms,
            independant of my argument. This prevents the freezing
            problem described in
            Mantis #6581"

            | wait wait2 |
                     "*a very long assignment*"
            wait := self serverMode
                 ifTrue: [ 50 ]
            [ wait2 := (lastCycleTime notNil and: [CanSurrenderToOS ~~
                     ifFalse: [ 0 ]
                     ifTrue: [ lastCycleTime + milliSecs - Time
            millisecondClockValue ].

                   self flag: 'Issue 14754 - wait2>millisecs is only
            True for clock
            rollover. Remove it once DelayScheduler based on
            microsecondClock - Ben
            Coman 19.01.2015'.  "*<---- maybe we want this #flag: not
            to be called all
            the time* "
                   wait2 > milliSecs
                     ifTrue: [ 0 ]
                     ifFalse: [ wait2 ].
wait > 0 ifTrue: [ (Delay forMilliseconds: wait) wait ]. "<------- wait
            is not #>>wait"

            lastCycleTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
            CanSurrenderToOS := true.

            Now, yeah, how do get stuff to be painted on the screen?

            Like this:

            displayWorld: aWorld submorphs: submorphs
            "Update this world's display."

            | deferredUpdateMode handsToDraw allDamage |

            submorphs do: [:m | m fullBounds].  "force re-layout if
            self checkIfUpdateNeeded ifFalse: [^ self].  "display is
            already up-to-date"

            deferredUpdateMode := self doDeferredUpdatingFor: aWorld.
            deferredUpdateMode ifFalse: [self assuredCanvas].
            canvas roundCornersOf: aWorld during:[ | worldDamageRects
            handDamageRects |
            worldDamageRects := self drawWorld: aWorld submorphs:
            invalidAreasOn: canvas.  "repair world's damage on canvas"
            "self handsDo:[:h| h noticeDamageRects: worldDamageRects]."
            handsToDraw := self selectHandsToDrawForDamage:
            handDamageRects := handsToDraw collect: [:h | h
            savePatchFrom: canvas].
            allDamage := worldDamageRects, handDamageRects.

            handsToDraw reverseDo: [:h | canvas fullDrawMorph: h].
            "draw hands onto
            world canvas"
            "*make this true to flash damaged areas for testing*"
            self class debugShowDamage ifTrue: [aWorld flashRects:
            allDamage color:
            Color black].

            canvas finish.
            "quickly copy altered rects of canvas to Display:"
            ifTrue: [self forceDamageToScreen: allDamage]
            ifFalse: [canvas showAt: aWorld viewBox origin
            invalidRects: allDamage].
            handsToDraw do: [:h | h restoreSavedPatchOn: canvas].
            "restore world
            canvas under hands"
            Display deferUpdates: false; forceDisplayUpdate.

            The VM will take care of throwing the bits to the display
            in various ways.
            Interesting to look how it is done for Windows, OSX, and

            So you have about a full view now.

            Timing wise, there is also some interaction with the VM
            occuring elsewhere.
            Pharo is still polling deep inside.  epoll etc isn't there
            yet, hence the
            little idle CPU usage when doing nothing.

            Good luck doing this UI trip with other platforms, not to
            mention change or
            instrument it the way you like.

            Pharo is really cool for this as it helps in learning
            about a lot of things.

            Want to do sockets?
            Do the high level stuff in Pharo and dig in the VM to see
            how it is done
            down under for a set of platforms.



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