You can just provide `nil` as the first option, e.g.

ui := DynamicComposableModel new.

ui instantiateModels: #(select DropListModel).

ui select
        items: #(nil a b c);
        displayBlock: [ :each | each ifNil: [ '' ] ifNotNil: #asString ].

layout := SpecLayout composed
        add: #select.

ui openWithSpecLayout: layout.

And then when querying the value check for nil... e.g.

ui select selectedItem ifNotNil: [ :selected | ... ].


On Sun, Oct 09, 2016 at 06:11:11AM -0700, Brad Selfridge wrote:
> Is there any way for the Spec DropList, when initially painted, to NOT
> display the first item in the list. 
> I'm trying to build a dynamic spec window that uses the droplist value to
> determine what to paint and I want the user to select the droplist item
> rather than a default. 
> Thanks, 
> -----
> Brad Selfridge
> --
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