2016-11-07 16:13 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Passerini <npasser...@gmail.com>:

> I started creating version names using the unix date (the number of
> seconds since 1970), which allows me to provide version numbers without
> complex calculations and without breaking Monticello.
> Numbers are not nice but we do not use them any way, it is just to comply
> with Monticello requirements.

There is a human effect to them (I like to see the numbers increasing as I
add new versions, of course!) but, well, since Dale said working with .1
would work, so it is :)

Git short commit ID are only convenient for long-time git experts.

>>> On one side, trying to re-create monticello sequential file numbers in
>>> git is simply not possible, at least in a reliable way. On the other side,
>>> loading the graph of package versions and dependencies is really slow for
>>> big repositories (such as pharo-core), once we removed that requirement
>>> Iceberg got like 100x faster.
>> Yes, this is performance sensitive code. I spent a significant amount of
>> time trying to optimize the smalltalk part of that in gitfiletree a few
>> years ago... before I was shown that it could only scale to ~ 1000 commits
>> (with a repository that had more than 8000 different versions for a
>> package).
>> Delegating everything to `git log` solved the issue. No code duplication!
>> Overall, this is something that has worried me since the beginning of
>> libgit. Libgit is low level and pushes some of the processing into Pharo,
>> which is not the best tool to do high-speed processing of tree structures.
>> And then, instead of designing the best solution to our problem, you end up
>> trying to get the best design that doesn't hit a performance issue...
> I am using git log extensively, turns out to be a very powerful tool.
> Libgit provides a very similar tool called revwalk (
> https://libgit2.github.com/libgit2/#HEAD/group/revwalk). So in each case
> Pharo does not have to do those performance sensitive computing.

Yes! Problem solved.

> The problem I found is that in order to recreate sequential numbers, you
> have to load all commits into the image.

Why? GitFileTree doesn't need to do that at all! Well, you know the code:
it just ask git log to rebuild the parent / child relations for a package
directory, and that is all... Then, like a mcz, the package isn't loaded
into the image unless you select it in the GUI. So why did you need to load
all the commits?

Well, at the beginning, I was trying to read all the filetree metadata
stored in the repository to build the versions as if it was mczs... and
that was a really bad idea (slow parser for version files, hundred of files
to scan, many files were even unreadable/broken by conflicts leftovers in
the filetree repository).


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