On 9 November 2016 at 08:41, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>

> I am the only potential customer of CPPBridge because
> a) I am the only C++ coder AFAIK
> b) Using DLLs (dynamically linked shared libraries) is still by far the
> best solution because using the UFFI you can do everything from Pharo.
> Compared to CPPBridge which you will need to code in C++.
> So as you can imagine making a general library for IPC communication via
> shared memory is not my goal.
> The Unreal part will be a separate library that will depend on this one. I
> have not touched that one yet but I will soon.
> UnrealBridge library will become my most important Pharo project because
> the goal is to start selling games using Pharo and Unreal.
> IPC Protocol wise , I don't think synchronisation will be an issue because
> Unreal will be too fast for Pharo anyway and its ok if Pharo lags behind
> even a few dozens of milliseconds which is a matter of losing a couple of
> frames. I may implement a hybrid synchronisation for when Pharo lag becomes
> too severe but that will have and see in practice.
> Something that interest me is "stealing" your idea for NBOpenGL where you
> made an automatic generator for the library that used OpenGL headers. This
> is something that could benefit me a lot because Unreal contains over
> 10.000 methods and wrapping them one by one is not something I am looking
> forward to doing. This means generating both C++ and Pharo code.
Well, a while before that, i wrote own lobotomized smalltalk implementation
in C and started generating bindings to Ogre3D engine. I even had certain
success with it, but then i started grand-rewriting of VM and abandoned it.
That was before i switched to Squeak, then Pharo. So, your incentives quite
familiar to me :)
I was quite fun journey, and i learned a lot while doing it.. especially
about smalltalk.

Of course if I feel that what I implement with UnrealBridge is general
> purpose enough I can port it back to CPPBridge.
> In any case I must say it was a lot of fun accomplishing this goal and
> cant wait to dive deeper into IPC magic, making Pharo the nerve centre, the
> brain , of my coding environment is a role that I think Pharo would excel
> at. It will also allow me to use Pharo as much as possible and provide a
> super powerful game / graphics engine to the Pharo community. Shared memory
> is that just the means to that goal.
> Moose could also a play role later on for analysing my game code both in
> Pharo and C++ and use Roassal for some nifty visualizations though I could
> use Unreal as backend to Roassal for some nice 3d visualisations.
> So ton of ideas, tons of fun and a ton of time to accomplish them.
> PS: I have to say you have been inspiration for my IPC saga, you did the
> unthinkable (at least to me) and brought Assembly to Pharo, I never had a
> use for Assembly but nonetheless you taught me that Pharo potential is more
> massive than I imagined, so thank you :)

I don't understand why people find assembly scary or mind-boggling? I dived
into assembly few months after i learned my first programming language, it
was Zilog 8-bit CPU. A marvelous gem :)
And this was always fascinating to feel that you can control the computer's
behaviour down to a tiniest detail. We were even researching what certain
i/o ports and interrupts were responsible for by setting different
bits/bytes here and there and see what happen.
Because if you don't understand something down to the tiniest detail - you
cannot be sure that what you doing will work, or work optimally.
So i find it frustrating that most of programmers don't know and not even
thinking about touching assembly. Because it very simple, straightforward
and megalomaniac-rewarding :)
Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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