
You could not load NeoCSV in a Moose 6.0 image? What was the error?


> On Nov 14, 2016, at 11:26 AM, Robert Kuszinger <kuszin...@giscom.hu> wrote:
> Sven,
> thanks for the fast reply. It worked for sure, but only in a fresh Pharo 5 
> donwload, NeoCSV load and so on.
> It failed in Moose 6 windows one click distribution so it may signal a Moose 
> 6 image/config/class problem or incompatibility.
> Your recommendation is more elegant so I walk this way :)
> thanks
> Robert
> 2016-11-14 10:05 GMT+01:00 Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:
> Hi Robert,
> You should use more modern stuff ;-)
> This works for me (Pharo 4, macOS), using your file:
> ((FileLocator desktop / 'test1utf8_cut2.csv') readStreamDo: [ :in |
>    (NeoCSVReader on: in) separator: $; ; upToEnd ]) first: 4.
> ==>>
> #(
> #('rend.szam' 'cikkszam' 'cikk.megnev' 'dop_id' 'dop.cikszam' 'dop.megnev' 
> 'termekgazda' 'kesz.menny' 'igeny.menny' 'muvelet.sz' '2' 'munkahely' 
> 'muv.start' 'muv.befejez' 'naptar' 'munkanap' 'mnap.start' 'mnap.befejez' 
> 'TOL' 'IG' 'PERIOD' 'óra')
> #('100509' 'KK00160' 'Szépművészeti Múzeum Baráti kör FEHÉR' '27240' 
> 'KK00160' 'Szépműv.Múzeum Baráti Kör FEHÉR /11900099/' 'CSOMBOKZ' '0' '4' 
> '10' '10' 'FMKM2' '2016.10.28 21:57' '2016.10.28 21:58' 'K52' '2016.10.28 
> 0:00' '2016.10.28 6:00' '2016.10.28 14:00' nil nil 'M1' nil)
> #('100509' 'KK00160' 'Szépművészeti Múzeum Baráti kör FEHÉR' '27240' 
> 'KK00160' 'Szépműv.Múzeum Baráti Kör FEHÉR /11900099/' 'CSOMBOKZ' '0' '4' 
> '10' '10' 'FMKM2' '2016.10.28 21:57' '2016.10.28 21:58' 'K52' '2016.10.28 
> 0:00' '2016.10.28 14:00' '2016.10.28 22:00' '2016.10.28 21:57' '2016.10.28 
> 21:58' 'M2' '0,01')
> #('100509' 'KK00160' 'Szépművészeti Múzeum Baráti kör FEHÉR' '27240' 
> 'KK00160' 'Szépműv.Múzeum Baráti Kör FEHÉR /11900099/' 'CSOMBOKZ' '0' '4' 
> '20' '20' 'FMKM2' '2016.10.28 21:58' '2016.10.28 22:00' 'K52' '2016.10.28 
> 0:00' '2016.10.28 6:00' '2016.10.28 14:00' nil nil 'M1' nil)
> )
> Sven
> > On 14 Nov 2016, at 09:55, Robert Kuszinger <kuszin...@giscom.hu> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've trying to play around with Roassal so I load a csv.
> >
> > Code by far is here:
> >
> >
> > |csv mbfs cont|
> >
> >
> > mbfs := FileStream fileNamed: 
> > 'C:\Users\kusr\Documents\vis\test1utf8_cut2.csv'.
> > mbfs
> >     lineEndConvention: #crlf;
> >     converter: UTF8TextConverter new.
> > cont := mbfs contents.
> >
> >
> > In the contents message the following happens:
> >
> > Array(Object)>>primitiveFailed:
> > Array(Object)>>primitiveFailed
> > Array>>elementsForwardIdentityTo:
> > ByteString(Object)>>becomeForward:
> > ByteString>>at:put:
> > MultiByteFileStream>>next:
> > MultiByteFileStream(FileStream)>>contents
> > UndefinedObject>>DoIt
> > OpalCompiler>>evaluate
> > RubSmalltalkEditor>>evaluate:andDo:
> > RubSmalltalkEditor>>highlightEvaluateAndDo:
> > [ textMorph textArea editor highlightEvaluateAndDo: ann action.
> > textMorph shoutStyler style: textMorph text ] in [ textMorph textArea
> >     handleEdit: [ textMorph textArea editor highlightEvaluateAndDo: ann 
> > action.
> >         textMorph shoutStyler style: textMorph text ] ] in 
> > GLMMorphicPharoScriptRenderer(GLMMorphicPharoCodeRenderer)>>actOnHighlightAndEvaluate:
> >  in Block: [ textMorph textArea editor highlightEvaluateAndDo...etc...
> > RubEditingArea(RubAbstractTextArea)>>handleEdit:
> > [ textMorph textArea
> >     handleEdit: [ textMorph textArea editor highlightEvaluateAndDo: ann 
> > action.
> >         textMorph shoutStyler style: textMorph text ] ] in 
> > GLMMorphicPharoScriptRenderer(GLMMorphicPharoCodeRenderer)>>actOnHighlightAndEvaluate:
> >  in Block: [ textMorph textArea...
> > WorldState>>runStepMethodsIn:
> > WorldMorph>>runStepMethods
> > WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
> > WorldState>>doOneCycleFor:
> > WorldState>>doOneSubCycleFor:
> > WorldMorph>>doOneSubCycle
> > MenuMorph>>invokeModalAt:in:allowKeyboard:
> > MenuMorph>>invokeModal:
> > MenuMorph>>invokeModal
> > [ :menu |
> > menu setInvokingView: self editor.
> > menu invokeModal.
> > self changed.
> > ^ true ] in RubEditingArea(RubAbstractTextArea)>>yellowButtonActivity: in 
> > Block: [ :menu | ...
> > MenuMorph(Object)>>ifNotNilDo:
> > RubEditingArea(RubAbstractTextArea)>>yellowButtonActivity:
> > RubEditingArea(RubAbstractTextArea)>>mouseDown:
> > RubEditingArea(Morph)>>handleMouseDown:
> > MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo:
> > RubEditingArea(Morph)>>handleEvent:
> >
> >
> >
> > HERE:  (ByteString at:put:)
> >
> > ...
> >     aCharacter isOctetCharacter ifFalse:[
> >         "Convert to WideString"
> >         self becomeForward: (WideString from: self).
> >         ^self at: index put: aCharacter.
> > ...
> >
> > Image is
> >
> > moose_suite_6_0 on windows.
> >
> > What should I do? What is frightening that I linked file and SOMETIMES
> > it raises the error above and sometimes not... ???
> >
> > (zip file with sample csv...)
> >
> > https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0JASZM9_9QqX19JZElwMVVXWjA/view?usp=sharing
> >
> > thanks
> > Robert
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Sven Van Caekenberghe
> Proudly supporting Pharo
> http://pharo.org
> http://association.pharo.org
> http://consortium.pharo.org


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