Ok, that's the best that i can do. -Pau

|bin pdf pdfAsText result|
bin :=  '"C:\Program Files\PDFlib\TET 5.0 64-bit\bin\tet.exe"'.
pdf := '"C:\*\document.pdf"'.
pdfAsText := 'C:\*\document.txt' asFileReference.

OS2Process command: bin, ' --samedir ', pdf.
[ pdfAsText exists ] whileFalse: [ (Delay forMilliseconds: 1) wait ].
(Delay forMilliseconds: 300) wait.
result := pdfAsText contents.
pdfAsText delete.

A 2016-12-06 00:43, Ben Coman escrigué:
On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 4:28 AM,  <pauguil...@girona.com> wrote:

1-  I need help to extract a selected text from a pdf document.
Tet pdflib can do that and i need help to execute command line using Pharo. I am able to do the work using a bat file but i think we can do better.

Someone else will need ot help for that.

2- How we can code properly the delay (when we wait the Bat file)

Can you expand on the problem.
"(Delay forMilliseconds: 500)wait." looks fine to me.

cheers -ben

Thank you for your help.


|bat pdf stream pdfAsText contents |
bat := 'C:\some\code.bat'.
pdf := 'C:\some\document.pdf'.
stream := bat asFileReference writeStream.

"Console Windows code"
stream nextPutAll: 'CD "C:\Program Files\PDFlib\TET 5.0 64-bit\bin"';
        nextPut: Character linefeed;
nextPutAll: 'TET --samedir --lastpage last-1 --pageopt "includebox={ {98.38 693.32 253.41 709.91} {522.70 183.66 595 226.30} {416.97 574.79 479 598.03} {401.33 773.91 453 789.55} {294.18 575.74 369.56 598.5} {295.6 492.3 373.35 524.43} {150.53 414.55 219.28 438.25} {47.17 494.67 98.85 520.75} {112.26 684.01 193.66 698.03} {533.61 212.57 595 620} {100.75 657.29 217.85
        nextPut: Character space;
        nextPutAll: pdf;
        nextPut: Character linefeed;
        nextPutAll: 'EXIT';
OS2Process command: bat.

pdfAsText := String streamContents: [ :s | 1 to: (pdf size - 4) do: [ :i | s
nextPut: (pdf at: i) ]. s nextPutAll: '.txt'; close ].
(Delay forMilliseconds: 500)wait.
contents := pdfAsText asFileReference contents.
bat asFileReference delete.
pdfAsText asFileReference delete.

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