Ok it works :)

And I read the class comment but I do not see it.

Now do you have an idea why I got this other missing class mapping for bytestring?


On Fri, 16 Dec 2016 15:25:40 +0100, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:

On 16 Dec 2016, at 15:23, stepharong <stephar...@free.fr> wrote:

Ok I see.

I was doing

GameCollection >> neoJsonOn: neoJSONWriter

                writeObject: games

GameItem >> neoJsonOn: neoJSONWriter
        self class instanceVariables
                do: [ :each |
                                neoJSONWriter writeObject: (self instVarNamed: 
each) ]

Now it did not work because byteString is not covered and I found that strange.

I will use your solution.

I read the section 5 before so there is something missing there.
I will see how I can add an example.

May be we should improve the class comment of mapper stating this class methods.

It is right there, in NeoJSONMapper's class comment

A mapping can be specified explicitely on a mapper, or can be resolved using the #neoJsonMapping: class method.

This is the superclass of both NeoJSONReader and NeoJSONWriter.

But we should add it to the book chapter too.


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