Hi All,

I may be missing the obvious, but what are good strategies to understand
the structure of existing code? Specifically, I'm trying to understand more
of PharoJS to solve my own problems and eventually also to contribute back
- but this is a general question.

There is this one MOOC exercise: http://rmod-pharo-mooc.lille.inria.fr/MOOC/
Exercises/Exercises-Pillar/Pillar-Questions.pdf that helps, and reading
tests and comments helps if they exist. But I often get trapped in drilling
down a long call stack and opening many, many browser windows, a new one
for every message send to a new class.

While writing this it occured to me that I can use the debugger to follow a
call stack by putting a breakpoint in the top level method, then stepping
down using the debugger. There is also a MOOC lecture on that that I will
look at again,

Any tips? I think I don't see the forest for the trees here I'm afraid :)


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