Hi Jose,

I'm building something that has ideas borrowed from Jupyter notebook[a], Leo Editor[b] and Pharo/Smalltalk and few other original ones. The more I see the connections between stuff like Eve[1], org-mode[2], Jupyter Lab[3], I think that the time for literate computing[4] (a development beyond literal programming), reproducible research and live coding is coming.

[a] http://jupyter.org/
[b] http://leoeditor.com/
[1] https://hackernoon.com/smalltalk-and-protein-programming-4da245ac93e2#.2riwbeeia
[2] https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v046i03
[3] http://jupyterlab.github.io/jupyterlab/
[4] http://blog.jupyter.org/2015/07/07/project-jupyter-computational-narratives-as-the-engine-of-collaborative-data-science/

These ideas are about expanding programming beyond programmers, for other professionals and authors that need to use computational thinking to tackle and talk about complex issues and themes. My approach is that these authors are going to use document as the central metaphor for their work (in a similar way to Mathematica notebooks) and that's why Grafoscopio is using the notebook as the organizing concept. Grafoscopio's interactive notebooks are tree-like documents, and soon you will be able to create custom tags to traverse them, and produce several outputs, from a single document.

Having Pharo as a base for the Grafoscopio development brings a powerful environment to crystallize and explore several of the literate computing ideas. For example, Eve's idea of "programming without order" is already possible in Pharo (of course in both environments, you will be send to the debugger to define what is missing). Also you can use document as the central metaphor for organizing thinking (not classes, or protocols, or messages) while enjoying of a continuous environment to connect documents with Domain Specific Languages made with this "classical" objects thinking.

Grafoscopio is my first "app" and the one I made to learn Pharo/Smalltalk. If you are interested in exploring the literate computing ideas in Pharo, you're welcomed to our community. I can be your peer teach what I have learned so far, and learn with you. We have a low traffic Spanish mailing list[5], but we can handle English there also (or in this mailing list), and our fossil repository for documentation and issues[6].

[5] http://mutabit.com/grafoscopio/index.en.html#contacto
[6] http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/

Now I'm improving the English documentation (we have a local Spanish first approach for documentation) so you will have a better introduction to Grafoscopio, its usage and its community. I'll notify the community when is done.



On 23/01/17 09:42, Jose San Leandro wrote:

I've come across this new attempt to bring Literate Programming to the masses.


It all seem to come from Jupyter Notebook.

I'd love to build something like that in Pharo, but I currently lack the skills needed. Any suggestions on how to start? Would you use Seaside, Pillar, ...?

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