On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:01 PM, sergio ruiz <sergio....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey, all..
> I have  been working on creating a REST interface using Teapot. In
> learning how to handle exceptions, I have been following along with the
> library example.
> One of the things i noticed was that, in the library example, they are
> modeling that data a little differently than i have been..
> to persist a list of items (and easily retrieve them), i just gave the
> object an “id”, and store them on a class variable as an OrderedCollection..
> in the library example, I see something i really like. rather than saving
> an ordered collection, they save it as a dictionary.
> This dictionary goes { id -> object }.. this takes the id out of the the
> object (which i really like) and makes the id generation pretty much
> irrelevant..
> my question.. is there any performance hit either way once this list grows
> to tens of thousands of records?
I was curious, so nothing better than to experiment...

myClass := Object subclass: #AA
instanceVariableNames: 'id data'
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'AAAA'.
myClass compile: 'id: i id:= i'.
myClass compile: 'data: d data:= d'.

N := 10 raisedTo: 7.
o := OrderedCollection new.
d := Dictionary new.
{ Time millisecondsToRun: [
1 to: N do: [:id| o add: (AA new id: id; data: 'blahblah')]].
Time millisecondsToRun: [
1 to: N do: [:id| d at: id put: (AA new data: 'blahblah')]].
} inspect.
o := nil.
d := nil.
Smalltalk garbageCollect.

N=5 ==> "#(5 42)"
N=6 ==> "#(434 839)"
N=7 ==> "#(5733 17208)"

Slight modification to pre-allocate space to ignore dynamic growth cost...
o := OrderedCollection new: 2 * N.
d := Dictionary new:  2 * N.

N=5 ==> "#(7 33)"
N=6 ==> "#(411 802)"
N=7 ==> "#(5892 15141)"

cheers -ben

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