This is impressive Alejandro! Thanks for the explanation


> Le 22 févr. 2017 à 01:17, Alejandro Infante <> a 
> écrit :
> Hi!
> If it help I’m using NaCl to do secure the passwords. You should not store 
> the passwords of your users, not even encrypted.
> For securing the passwords I use Sha-512 over the salted password.
> ———————————— 
> User>>initialize
>       super initialize.
>       salt := (Nacl randomBytes: 16)
> User>>setPassword: aPassword
>       hashedPassword := Nacl hash: (salt , aPassword asByteArray)
> User>>validatePassword: aPassword
>       ^ hashedPassword asByteArray = (Nacl hash: salt asByteArray , aPassword 
> asByteArray)
> ————————————
> Notice that:
>       1) I have a different salt for each password, if a bad guy want the 
> passwords he is going to need a different rainbow table for each user.
>       2) I do not store the password. I do not even store the hash of the 
> plain password.
>       3) Still I’m able to validate the password.
>       * Note that I’m using Nacl>>randomBytes: to generate a 
> cryptographically safe random value. Here is not really necessary, BUT you 
> should use it if you are creating Session-IDs or Tokens.
> Encrypting the database is *tricky*. You not only have to encrypt the 
> database, but also secure the key. First you need to know how much security 
> you want:
>       1) Be secure if someone hack into the user running pharo.
>       3) Be secure if someone steal the server.
>       4) Be secure if someone has physical access to the running server. (All 
> your keys are in RAM)
>       2) Be secure if someone hack root. (I doubt anything is going to save 
> you here)
> For most projects/business (unless working with really sensitive data, such 
> as medical data) securing the OS (users and root) and encrypting the 
> hard-disk should be enough. Also do not forget to encrypt the connections. If 
> everything is on the same server just use https. But you may need more if you 
> use Load Balancers, multiple servers and databases.
> Cheers,
> Alejandro
>> On Feb 21, 2017, at 9:11 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck <> 
>> wrote:
>> As for single username/pass encryption (not the whole DB), and assuming you 
>> want two-way encrypt (that you want to decrypt), I have used both, Rijndael 
>> and Blowfish, both in combination with SpsSplitPasswordStore.
>> Cheers,
>>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 8:20 AM, Pierce Ng <> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 05:34:41AM -0800, sergio ruiz wrote:
>>> > I have been tasked with throwing together a small web app that will hold
>>> > the passwords to different projects for my company.
>>> Here is a collection for reference. If one of these is suitable you can 
>>> skip the
>>> implementation and just deploy.
>>> > - encrypt the entire database, so that if the machine was compromised
>>> > physically, the data would be useless.
>>> The NativeBoost version of my SQLite library supports SQLcipher which adds
>>> transparent full database encryption to SQLite. It is not in the UFFI 
>>> version
>>> yet though.
>>> > - encrypt the username and password fields to facilitate the above, also.
>>> If you are already familiar with using crypto API like OpenSSL or NaCl then
>>> Pharo's FFI is easy to get this done too.
>>> Pierce
>> -- 
>> Mariano

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