I'm also curious about iceberg integration. I'm also an advocate for fossil: I like its lightness as process and software, offering full stack distributed collaboration in just 2 Mb (wiki, tickets, DVCS, etc.) I can not catch up with upcoming Pharo 6, but hopefully after being released I will be able to test fossil stuff, particularly because is the chosen collaboration backend for Grafoscopio.

BTW, when installing Grafoscopio you get a FossilRepo object that is used to query Fossil repositories via the JSON API and update documentation. Still in early stages, but I will experiment how Pierce's Fossil support give a more cohesive user experience when working with publication and collaboration of interactive notebooks.



On 28/02/17 02:12, stepharong wrote:
This is cool.
I'm curious to see if we could manage fossil back-end via iceberg.


On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 01:19:50 +0100, Pierce Ng <pie...@samadhiweb.com> wrote:

Hi all,
I have written a simple integration of FileTree with Fossil to avoid the 2-step
Pharo- and shell-level work to add/delete/commit files.
At the operating system command prompt, init a new Fossil project:
 os% mkdir ~/repo
  os% cd ~/repo
  os% fossil init myproject.fossil
  project-id: 3c05c3016eeabf8e87816ee218c6a86d3c87b950
  server-id:  ff42bc86dba1a26b1d94b64685f7c09d02581617
  admin-user: laptop-user (initial password is "1fe2ff")
Open the repository:
 os% mkdir ~/myproject
  os% cd ~/myproject
  os% fossil open ~/repo/myproject.fossil
In a fresh Pharo 6 image - I used v60411 - install FossilFileTree:
 Metacello new
    baseline: 'FossilFileTree';
    repository: 'github://PierceNg/FossilFileTree';
Write code in Pharo. Open Monticello Browser. Add a "fossilfiletree"
repository, using ~/myproject as the directory. Save to said repository
from within Monticello Browser. Done.
Full blog post here:

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