Yes, #flag: is the way to go. I often use something like

self flag: #needsWork

If you use symbols then you can just mark the needsWork and search for senders 
(cmd-n on Mac). That gives you all of the locations in the image where it is 


> Am 01.03.2017 um 19:06 schrieb Peter Uhnak <>:
> On Wed, Mar 01, 2017 at 06:53:16PM +0100, Raffaello Giulietti wrote:
>> Hi community,
>> many IDEs for other language usually offer a way to annotate methods
>> with special comments like "TODO ...", "FIXME ...". Such methods can
>> then be later retrieved easily in task lists and selected by simple
>> clicks.
>> Is there something similar in Pharo?
>> Thanks
> The most common is `self flag: 'text'`. This will give you an icon in 
> Nautilus browser.
> But keep in mind that IDEs impose special syntax because they do not provide 
> you with option to retrieve it yourself.
> In Pharo there is no such restriction, so you can do whatever you find most 
> practical to you and then just collect the places yourself.
> E.g. you can trivally retrieve all methods that have "todo" anywhere in 
> method comment:
> ('My-Package' asPackage classes flatCollect: #methods)
>       select: [ :each | each comment isNotNil and: [ each comment 
> includesSubstring: 'todo' ] ]
> Peter

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