nice ideas!


One of the things that I do all of the time when trying to debug particularly difficult problems is to keep a "bug notebook". My "bug notebook" is a text file where I record >information gleaned from an inspector intermixed with comments, code and observations...

I've attached an example from a couple of days ago (bug_notebook.txt).
The particular problem I am working on involves btree nodes being improperly updated during index object updates. Each btree node is basically a 2000+ element Array ... so >there is a lot of data to deal with . In the notebook, I extract the interesting entries from the btree node and record the original set of values and then record the updated set of values and in this particular case I >was able to "see" that after the update I had 4 entries that were not properly deleted ... In addition to recording the interesting chunks of large data structures, I often end up with chunks of stacks from the debugger, copies of a inspector panes in my "bug >notebooks" and chunks of code ...

Over the last several weeks I have been tackling different sets of bugs in this same area and I have been keeping a time-stamped log of the work that I've done along the way >(analysis_notebook.txt) ... in this notebook I've bee recording test results and branch/SHA information so that I can easily reference different versions of methods as I work >through fixing bugs and managing regressions ... There's a section in the notebook where I've record performance information, so that when I have finished work on this set of >bugs, I can evaluate how I've impacted performance ... Finally at the very bottom of the notebook, I've recorded a simple todo-list ... The notebooks are on a shared disk so that I can access and update the "bug notebook" when I am working from home on a mac or at work from a linux box ... I rely on the fact that I am working with text and not images ... since I like to copy and paste as well as search for particular strings in the data from the inspector ... in the >bug_notebook I searched for the `victim` string in the text output from an inspector ...

I have come to really depend upon bug notebooks when addressing difficult bugs and I think that support for creating and maintaining bug notebooks would be a valuable >addition the the debugging arsenal...


On 03/09/2017 10:50 AM, stepharong wrote:
Thanks you all.

The idea is that we want to see how we cn improve our debugging arsenal. So it is important that your scenario give use some hints.It is difficult to convey what we are really looking for :)

Hi guys
During the DSU workshop we were brainstorming about what are the most difficult bugs we faced and what are the conceptual tools that would have helped >>>you.


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