
On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 11:19:07AM +0200, Peter Uhnak wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm under the impression that Epicea is supposed to replace RB refactorings 
> at some point.
> If that is true, is it currently possible to build refactorings by hand?
> For example in RB I often do:
> ```
> model := RBNamespace new.
> model defineClass: ('<1s> subclass: #<2s><n><t>instanceVariableNames: 
> <3p><n><t>classVariableNames: ''''<n><t>poolDictionaries: ''''<n><t>category: 
> <4p>' expandMacrosWith: 'Object' with: 'MySomething' with: 'var1 var2' with: 
> 'MyPackage').
> cls := model classNamed: #MySomething.
> cls compile: 'var1
>       ^ var1' classified: 'accessing'.
> (ChangesBrowser changes: model changes changes) open
> ```
> or
> (removing a method from a class)
> ```
> model := RBNamespace new.
> model removeMethod: #testTrimRight from: StringTest.
> (ChangesBrowser changes: model changes changes) open
> ```
> Thanks,
> Peter

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