
Today in Lviv (Ukraine) we had our first local Pharo Sprint. There were
three participants - students of different universities. The whole event
lasted for about 4 hours. In that time we have resolved one simple fix case
and three review cases and reported one issue with Monticello. It's not
much, but this was our first time contributing to Pharo. And the experience
was very educating.

Big thanks to everyone who helped us!

We will be holding Pharo Sprint in Lviv every two weeks (so the next time
will be on May 21). We also have a monthly event called "Beer & Smalltalk"
where we talk about our projects and discuss some cool ideas. If you live
nearby and have an interest in Pharo - join us. The dates of all future
events will be announced on our #smalltalk-ua channel on discord. Write me
or Yuriy Tymchuk (Uko) if you want to join the channel.

Best wishes,

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