Hi Hilaire,

On 18 July 2017 at 22:27, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Ubuntu 16.04 (Ubuntu MAte), I ahve the following error with DR. Geo
> (release based on Pharo3). Of course the needed 32bits libs are installed.
> Could it be the new graphic back end of Ubuntu?
> hilaire@PCHome:~/DrGeo.app$ ./DrGeo.sh could not find module vm-display-X11
> Abandon (core dumped)

Is this something that was working and has suddenly stopped, or a new
install that doesn't work?

Assuming that it is installed correctly, can you provide the output of:

cd /to/where/the/pharo/exe/is
ldd pharo
ldd vm-display-X11


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