Hi Herby,

On 5 August 2017 at 18:09, Herby Vojčík <he...@mailbox.sk> wrote:
> Hello!
> First of all, what is preferred way to (first time) login into database? I
> had the impression that `aDatabaseAccessor login` is sorta low-level, and
> one should do `session login` (after all, it is session you get to work
> with, not an accessor).
> But with Garage SQLite, `session login`, when accessor is not logged, always
> fails with "MessageNotUnderstood: GASqlite3Driver>>queryEncoding".
> Should one not use `session login` at all, then (when accessor is logged, it
> just does nothing, if it isn't, it connects the accessor, but tries to do
> some additional work which always fails)?
> Herby

>From memory this is caused by differences between VisualWorks and Pharo.

Anyway, it is discussed and resolved in:



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