This means it would be healthy to do a cleanup (at least the non aggressive
one, ChangeSets and MC stuff) on each of the images we produce and not just
the latest one.

On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 8:35 AM, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:

> Yes you were on to something there (and at the same time, by poking around
> with #pointersTo I noticed some chains of objects too). So I ran the
> following script (partially borrowed from ImageCleaner) and this has got me
> down to a 14mb image (instance sizes listed below, which is looking much
> healthier - and those MethodChangeRecords are gone too) !!!
> I suspect there are more monti/metacello things that are still lurking
> around.
> I also wonder if I need some the character sorting strings too.
> Tim
> "CmdLine script to debug the initial minimal image"
> | logger repo version |
> logger := FileStream stderr.
> logger cr; nextPutAll: 'Starting Minimal Cleanup Script...'.
> logger cr; nextPutAll: '>Resetting Class Comments'.
> Smalltalk allClasses do: [ :c | c classComment: '' stamp: '' ].
> logger cr; nextPutAll: '>Removing MC holders'.
> MCMethodDefinition allInstances do: [:each | each become: String new ].
> MCClassDefinition allInstances do: [:each | each become: String new ].
> MCVersionInfo allInstances do: [:each | each become: String new ].
> logger cr; nextPutAll: '>ImageCleaner release routines'.
> Smalltalk organization removeEmptyCategories.
>    Smalltalk
>       allClassesAndTraitsDo: [ :class |
>          [ :each |
>             each
>                removeEmptyCategories;
>                sortCategories ]
>                   value: class organization;
>                   value: class class organization ].
> (RPackageOrganizer default packages select: #isEmpty)
>     do: #unregister.
> Smalltalk organization sortCategories.
> Smalltalk garbageCollect.
> Smalltalk cleanOutUndeclared.
> Smalltalk fixObsoleteReferences.
> Smalltalk cleanUp: true except: #() confirming: false.
> logger cr; nextPutAll: '>GC'.
> 3 timesRepeat: [
>         Smalltalk garbageCollect.
>         Smalltalk cleanOutUndeclared.
>         Smalltalk fixObsoleteReferences].
> logger cr; nextPutAll: 'Finished Script.'; cr; cr.
> My top instances are now:
> Class                                          code space # instances
>  inst space     percent   inst average size
> CompiledMethod                                      19159       30481
>   2912968       21.60               95.57
> Array                                                3742       36495
>   2852448       21.10               78.16
> ByteString                                           2640       24018
>   2517168       18.60              104.80
> ByteSymbol                                           1698       20722
>    759208        5.60               36.64
> Association                                          1148       19786
>    633152        4.70               32.00
> IdentitySet                                           408       15452
>    494464        3.70               32.00
> MethodDictionary                                     3310        3520
>    350192        2.60               99.49
> Protocol                                             1679        8382
>    268224        2.00               32.00
> WeakArray                                            1758         265
>    232304        1.70              876.62
> OrderedCollection                                    6555        5043
>    201720        1.50               40.00
> ClassOrganization                                    5281        3520
>    168960        1.30               48.00
> Metaclass                                            7184        1748
>    153824        1.10               88.00
> On 15 Aug 2017, at 23:00, Guillermo Polito <>
> wrote:
> Just a hunch: could you inspect ur MethodChangeRecord instances ?
> Le mar. 15 août 2017 à 23:55, Tim Mackinnon <> a écrit :
>> A weird observation - is it possible that source code is being stored in
>> the image as strings somehow? When I do
>> ./pharo PharoLambda.image eval "ByteString allInstances inject:
>> (OrderedCollection new) into: [:r :i | i size > 500 ifTrue: [r add: i]. r]"
>> I see to see reams of what looks like method source - but I thought
>> source code was stored in the .sources file and the .changes file (and I
>> haven’t been bundling those in my deployed image).
>> I’m trying to figure out how you find references to a string object, to
>> chase down what is pointing to these strings as maybe there is a quick 4mb
>> win by simply nil’ing out some obvious things. (This doesn’t of course help
>> with a default minimal image - but maybe a few tricks for packaging and
>> deploying something).
>> Tim
>> On 15 Aug 2017, at 22:26, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
>> Hi Guille/Ben - I got a quick moment to try the SpaceTally (aside: it
>> seems very convoluted to load a single package into the image, I was trying
>> to avoid having to create a baselineOf for something so simple - I ended up
>> with:
>> repo := MCFileTreeRepository new directory: './bootstrap' asFileReference.
>> version := repo loadVersionFromFileNamed: 'Tool-Profilers.package'.
>> version load.
>> Anyway - in my minimal image, like in the fat image there seems to be a
>> surprising amount of bytestrings (4mb worth?). I think that might need some
>> digging into? It seems like a lot somehow. Although Ben’s neat experiment
>> of zipping strings shows that’s not a real route.
>> In a deployed minimal image - maybe I can get rid of some other things
>> like MethodChangeRecords or MCMethodDefiniion’s (but they are smaller wins
>> - but noticeable)
>> Class                                          code space # instances
>>  inst space     percent   inst average size
>> ByteString                                           2640       37365
>>   4823848       21.50              129.10
>> Array                                                3742       53002
>>   3961944       17.60               74.75
>> CompiledMethod                                      19159       30481
>>   2912968       13.00               95.57
>> Association                                          1148       58348
>>   1867136        8.30               32.00
>> MethodChangeRecord                                    431       34312
>>   1097984        4.90               32.00
>> ByteArray                                            4605         290
>>    908728        4.00             3133.54
>> ByteSymbol                                           1698       22689
>>    840168        3.70               37.03
>> IdentitySet                                           408       19076
>>    610432        2.70               32.00
>> MethodDictionary                                     3310        3520
>>    608688        2.70              172.92
>> WeakArray                                            1758        3024
>>    597824        2.70              197.69
>> MCMethodDefinition                                   4318        6659
>>    426176        1.90               64.00
>> Protocol                                             1679        8382
>>    268224        1.20               32.00
>> OrderedCollection                                    6555        5509
>>    220360        1.00               40.00
>> As an aside - my Gitlab project is public, the scripts that load things
>> up are in ./scripts (, and and
>> Tim
>> On 15 Aug 2017, at 08:02, Guillermo Polito <>
>> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 4:42 PM, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
>>> Hi Guille - just running SpaceTally on my dev image to get a feel for
>>> it. It turns out that in the minimal images you’ve been creating, its not
>>> loaded (makes sense).
>> Yup, it's loaded afterwards.
>> All packages are loaded through metacello baselines. We should start
>> refactoring and making standalone projects, each one with a baseline for
>> himself, and his own dependencies described.
>> I was checking on your gitlab and I have probably no access: how are you
>> finally loading packages in the bootstrap image? Can you share that with us
>> in text? I'd like to improve that situation.
>>> I’m wondering if there is an easy way to import it in (I guess that
>>> package should be in the Pharo git tree I cloned to get Fuel loaded right?
>>> Or is there a separate standalone source?).
>> Yes it is, you can get the package programatically doing
>> SpaceTally package name
>> And furthermore, get the baseline that currently is loading by doing
>> package := SpaceTally package name.
>> BaselineOf subclasses select: [ :e |
>> e project version packages anySatisfy: [ :p | p name = package ]].
>>> Thanks for all the support, and your email about why the contexts stack
>>> up is very well received (I will comment over there).
>>> By the way - it looks like Martin Fowler picked up on this announcement
>>> - so maybe we might get some interest from his mass of followers.
>>> Tim
>>> On 14 Aug 2017, at 10:49, Guillermo Polito <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>> On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Tim Mackinnon <> w
>>> rote:
>>>> Hey guys, thanks for your enthusiasm around this - and I cannot stress
>>>> enough how this was only possible because of the work that has gone into
>>>> making Pharo (in particular the 64bit image, as well as having a minimal
>>>> image, and some great blog posts on serialising contexts) as well as the
>>>> patience from everyone in answering questions and helping me get it all
>>>> working.
>>>> I’m still quite keen to get my execution time back down under 800ms and
>>>> I’d like to actually get back to writing a few skills to automate a few
>>>> things around my house.
>>>> To Answer Denis’ question -
>>>> My final footprint is 30.4mb - thats composed of a 22mb image (with a
>>>> simple example that pulls in Fuel, ZTimestamp and the S3 Library which
>>>> depends on XMLParser) and then the VM (from which I removed obvious dll’s).
>>>> In my original experiments with a 6.0 minimal image - I did manage to
>>>> get to a 13.4mb image (which started out as 12mb original size, and then
>>>> loaded in STON and had only a simple clock example). I think the sweet spot
>>>> is around 20mb total footprint as that seems to get me into the 450ms-900ms
>>>> range.
>>>> The 7.0 min image now starts out at 15mb and then I’m not sure why
>>>> loading Fuel, S3 and XMLParser takes 7mb (it seems big to me - but I’ve not
>>>> dug into that).
>>> You can do further space analysis using the following expression
>>> SpaceTally  new printSpaceAnalysis
>>> You can do that in an eval and check what's taking space. With measures
>>> we can iterate and improve :).
>>>> I’ve also found (and this on the back of unserialising the context in
>>>> my example) that the way we build images has 15+ saved stack sessions that
>>>> have saved on top of each other from the way we build up the images. I
>>>> don’t yet know the implications of size/speed of these - but we need a
>>>> better way of folding executions when we snapshot headless images. I’m also
>>>> not clear if there are any other startup tasks that take precious time
>>>> (this also has implications for our fat development images as they take
>>>> much longer to appear than they really should).
>>> I'm working on this as I'm writing this mail ;)
>>> I'll write down the implications further in a different thread.
>>>> I’ll be exploring some of these size/speed tradeoff’s in follow on
>>>> messages.
>>>> But once again, a big thanks - I’ve not enjoyed programming like this
>>>> for ages.
>>>> Tim
>>>> On 12 Aug 2017, at 16:26, Ben Coman <> wrote:
>>>> hi Tim,
>>>> That is.....      AWESOME!
>>>> Very nice delivery - it flowed well with great narration.
>>>> I loved @2:17 "this is the interesting piece, because PharoLambda has
>>>> serialized the execution context of its application and saved it into [my
>>>> S3 bucket] ... [then on the local machine] rematerializes a debugger [on
>>>> that context]."
>>>> There is a clarity in your video presentation that really may intrigue
>>>> outsiders. As a community we should push this on the usual hacker forums -
>>>> ycombinator could be a good starting point (but I'm locked out of my
>>>> account there).
>>>> An enticing title could be...
>>>> "Debugging Lambdas by re-materializing saved execution contexts on your
>>>> local machine."
>>>> cheers -ben
>>>> On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Denis Kudriashov <
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> This is cool Tim.
>>>>> So what image size you deployed at the end?
>>>>> 2017-08-10 15:47 GMT+02:00 Tim Mackinnon <>:
>>>>>> I just wanted to thank everyone for their help in getting my pet
>>>>>> project further along, so that now I can announce that PharoLambda is now
>>>>>> working with the V7 minimal image and also supports post mortem debugging
>>>>>> by saving a zipped fuel context onto S3.
>>>>>> This latter item is particularly satisfying as at a recent serverless
>>>>>> conference (JeffConf) there was a panel where poor development tools on
>>>>>> serverless platforms was highlighted as a real problem.
>>>>>> In our community we’ve had these kinds of tools at our fingertips for
>>>>>> ages - but I don’t think the wider development community has really
>>>>>> noticed. Debugging something short lived like a Lambda execution is quite
>>>>>> startling, as the current answer is “add more logging”, and we all know
>>>>>> that sucks. To this end, I’ve created a little screencast showing this in
>>>>>> action - and it was pretty cool because it was a real example I 
>>>>>> encountered
>>>>>> when I got everything working and was trying my test application out.
>>>>>> I’ve also put a bit of work into tuning the excellent GitLab CI
>>>>>> tools, so that I can cache many of the artefacts used between different
>>>>>> build runs (this might also be of interest to others using CI systems).
>>>>>> The Gitlab project is on:
>>>>>> And the screencast:
>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>> On 15 Jul 2017, at 00:39, Tim Mackinnon <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi - I’ve been playing around with getting Pharo to run well on AWS
>>>>>> Lambda. It’s early days, but I though it might be interesting to share 
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> I’ve learned so far.
>>>>>> Usage examples and code at
>>>>>> With help from many of the folks here, I’ve been able to get a simple
>>>>>> example to run in 500ms-1200ms with a minimal Pharo 6 image. You can 
>>>>>> easily
>>>>>> try it out yourself. This seems slightly better than what the GoLang 
>>>>>> folks
>>>>>> have been able to do.
>>>>>> Tim
>>> --
>>> Guille Polito
>>> Research Engineer
>>> French National Center for Scientific Research - **
>>> <>
>>> *Web:* ** <>
>>> *Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13 <+33%206%2052%2070%2066%2013>
>> --
>> Guille Polito
>> Research Engineer
>> French National Center for Scientific Research - **
>> <>
>> *Web:* ** <>
>> *Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13 <+33%206%2052%2070%2066%2013>
>> --
> Guille Polito
> Research Engineer
> French National Center for Scientific Research - **
> <>
> *Web:* ** <>
> *Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13 <+33%206%2052%2070%2066%2013>


Guille Polito

Research Engineer

French National Center for Scientific Research - **

*Web:* ** <>

*Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13

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