Hi Ben, 

Could you test it with the bleedingEdge version of the launcher to see if the 
problem is solved?


> Le 20 sept. 2017 à 08:26, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> a écrit :
> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 1:12 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com 
> <mailto:b...@openinworld.com>> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 8:25 PM, Christophe Demarey 
> <christophe.dema...@inria.fr <mailto:christophe.dema...@inria.fr>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I published an update of the Launcher yesterday fixing some issues to run
> > Pharo images from Linux. You can find latest-versions (0.2.13) here:
> > http://files.pharo.org/platform/launcher/ 
> > <http://files.pharo.org/platform/launcher/>
> > It already propose to download Pharo 70 images. The VM is now downloaded
> > automatically if the adequate one is not available.
> > Let us know if everything is fine.
> Thanks Christophe for updating PharoLauncher.  I'm trying it with Pharo 7 
> images for the first time.
> I hit a problem using Iceberg in downloaded images. 
> $ unzip Pharo-linux-0.2.13.zip
> $ cd pharo
> $ unzip ../PharoLauncher-user-stable-2017.09.14.zip
> $ ./pharo
> + PharoLauncher > Settings > Enable development environment
> + World > Tools > Iceberg  
> ==>  iceberg opens okay
> + PharoLauncher > Templates > Pharo 7.0(beta) > latest-32 <Create Image> 
> '7latest32'
> + '7latest32' <Launch>
> + World > Tools > Iceberg  
> ==>  "Error: EXternal module not found"
> $ uname -a 
> ==> Linux 3.16.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2 (2016-04-08) i686 
> GNU/Linux
> but this works okay...
> $ curl get.pharo.org/70+vm <http://get.pharo.org/70+vm> | bash
> $ ./pharo-ui
> + World > Tools > Iceberg  
> ==>  iceberg opens okay
> while this PharoLauncher alternative fails...
> $  curl get.pharo.org <http://get.pharo.org/> | bash
> $ ./pharo-ui
> + World > Tools > Catalog > PharoLauncher <Install stable configuration>
> + World > PharoLauncher 
> ==> Doesn't show Pharo 7 templates
> + World > Monticello > ...PharoLauncher/main <Open Repository>
> + ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher-ChristopheDemarey.56 <Load>
> + World > Playground > "ConfigurationOfPharoLauncher load" <DoIt>
> + World > PharoLauncher > Settings > Hard reset persistant state
> ==> Pharo 7 templates showing
> + '7latest32' <Launch>  "i.e. the previously downloaded image"
> + World > Tools > Iceberg  
> ==>  "Error: External module not found"
> + World > Monticello... load latest mczs...
>     * PharoLauncher-Core-ChristopheDemarey.123
>     * PharoLauncher-Spec-ChristopheDemarey.51
> + '7latest32' <Launch>  "i.e. the previously downloaded image"
> ==> "Fetching VM to run Pharo 70 images" 
> + World > Tools > Iceberg  
> ==>  "Error: External module not found"
> Version comparison...
> direct get.pharo.org/70+vm <http://get.pharo.org/70+vm>
>   /home/ben/Pharo/adhoc/Pharo7/Pharo.image
>     Pharo7.0alpha.build.132.sha.4ea2f39a9f43185d31b844be5ad33b677f43bf17
>   /home/ben/Pharo/adhoc/Pharo7/pharo-vm/lib/pharo/5.0-201708271955/pharo
>     CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2265 uuid: 
> 76b62109-629a-4c39-9641-67b53321df9a Aug 27 2017
> via PharoLauncher... 
>   /home/ben/Pharo/images/7latest32/7latest32.image
>     Pharo7.0alpha.build.132.sha.4ea2f39a9f43185d31b844be5ad33b677f43bf17  
>   /home/ben/Pharo/vms/70-x86/lib/pharo/5.0-201708271955/pharo
>     CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2265 uuid: 
> 76b62109-629a-4c39-9641-67b53321df9a Aug 27 2017
> Must be something environmental in lookup paths.  Can you reproduce or 
> suggest further investigation I can do?
> cheers -ben

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