The Pharo image has a table of Unicode Character Categories in a class variable 
GeneralCategory of class Unicode.  But there do not seem to be many methods to 
interpret this data.  For example, while there is a method

        Unicode class >> #isDigit: aCharacter

that checks if the Unicode category of aCharacter is Nd, and 

        Unicode class >> #isLetter: aCharacter

that checks if aCharacter is in one of the letter categories, there does not 
seem to be a general way of asking “what is the category of this character”.

I want to check if a character is a mathematical symbol, that is, if it is in 
the Unicode Category Sm.  What’s the right way of doing this?
Would it be reasonable to add a method Unicode class >> #category: aCharacter 
that answers one of the 29 category symbols #Cc to #Zs?  Or “is” methods for 
each category?


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