> Any chance you can point me to the original file ?

No they removed it
May be I could try to convert it to utf-8 (I do not know how to do it)

> The file is indeed in Latin1 encoded, but GitHub serves it as UTF-8 (it did 
> not change the contents, but the meta data).

Ok I see the problem
> The default encoder option only works when the server says nothing, it does 
> not override what the server says.

Ah ok.

> The only way to read it, is by reading it binary (which basically ignores the 
> meta data) and then convert it manually:
> (ZnCharacterEncoder latin1 decodeBytes:
>   (ZnClient new
>         beBinary;
>         get: 
> 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SquareBracketAssociates/LearningOOPWithPharo/master/resources/listeDeMotsFrancaisFrGut.txt'))
>  lines.
> But this is very ugly.
> Best convert the original file to UTF-8 before uploading to GitHub.

OK I will try to leanr how to do it.

> Sven

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