On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 6:10 AM Andrew Glynn <aglyn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Web dev is a messy field.  Not because it has grown too fast, but because
> it was designed by amateurs, developed by amateurs, and continues to be so,
> while depending on an underlying expertly designed system, the internet.

 Non sense. Companies have been heavily involved in the developing of the
web since day one. Javascript was not designed by an amateur and pretty
much no web dev technologies out there not only are produced since day 1
from professional coders , web standards committess played a crucial  role
in the developing of web technologies.

The web has always been a huge cash cow.

The very fact that Javascript has the name Java is not as many developers
will be quick to point unrelated Java. It is very much related. . Sun for a
considerable amount of time was working on Javascript as a scripting engine
targeting the web working hand in hand with Java. The relationship was sort
lived but for a very long time Java was the de facto language for
developing powerful web application / websites. The well known Java applets
that exist even today.

The reason why the web followed its own road is quite sensible. The
internet was viewed as nothing more than a display of documents and made
sense to use a document format (HTML) for it at the time. It was easy and
accesible to anyone. None could predict the explosion of the web at the
time and the future needs for much greater degree of dynamism. Neither
could I and I am vicious critic of web dev.

The technology evolved very fast that not even up for debate, good designs
require redesigns. Redesigns require time.

The web was nothing really new neither was the internet. BBS were
dominating online communication and function in a very similar way that the
web did later on providing, email, messages, forumes, download directories,
blog posts, articles and a wealth of information through the use of a model
and a regular telophone line. BBS were based on desktop technology and far
better designed but they could not keep up with the incrasing demands of
massive online communication so the web and the internet ignated even
though internet was create far earlier than BBS. Much less likely to find
cat videos because BBS was based on P2P kind of technology and was working
on very limited hardware where every byte was precious.

It was the failure of desktop technologies to adjust to the need for a web
that lead to its seperate evolution. Java was the only language that took a
serious interest into web developing and even Java was unwilling to adjust
to the needs of the web leading to the massive failure of the Java applet.
On the other hand Flash that was specifically designed for the web ,
flourished for many years till HTML and JS finally caught up.

Amateurs also play a very importan role in the evolution of graphics and
guis. Teenage hackers were the ones to ignite the trend of computer
graphics that lead to the establishment of GUI and 3d graphics as well as
computer audio even though those technologies have existed far earlier it
was their innovation that managed to take advantage of clever solution to
overcome extreme limitations of the hardware. This happened through the
developing of "demos" giving rise to a completely new community of extrmely
knowledgable amateurs knows as "demoscene" and hackers. 3d graphics to this
day remain the most fast moving / evolving field of computer science
challanged only by AI.

Plus Amateurs play a vital role in many other fields like Astronomy , their
contribution is so substabtial that many celestial bodies are named after
them. Amateurs have usually far higher level of knowledge of a field mainly
because they tend to avoid specialisation and they do not operate on the
time constraints or have to fight a backward thinking management department
that want to do things "the popular" way. For similar reason they pay far
more respect to designs as well.

So it was both the failure of desktop to take into serious consideration
the new web needs and the rapid evolution of the web based on the format
that it was already problematic.

It was companies themselves that hindered and keep hindering its evolution
with being stuck on bad design for the shake of backward compatibility.

On the other hand desktop has it own share of ugliness and "amateurism"
biggest example being MFC , Microsoft's Official GUI API, that was so ugly
and heavily disliked that none even question the existence of HTML because
no coder in his right mind could consider imposing such a terrible design
to a new technology.

On similar note web is not all that bad, JS has heavily improved as a
language , HTML has become extremely flexible and there are many well
designed libraries like Bootstrap , D3 etc . Also desktop language learned
their lesson and now fully embreace web dev at least on the back end.

Finally nowdays we see the merging of web and desktop technlogies (and the
branch of desktop development known as "mobile development") that has
brought more sanity and uniformity into the development process.

Unfortunately companies still play a very big role in the glacial evolution
of the web that is fortunately dimisihing with the emergence of free

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