well, I downloaded the .mcz package
unzipped it and changed the
source code accordingly using a text editor (Smalltalkers can use
text editors to edit code too!). Later on I could successfully file-in
the file in a new Pharo 6 image. The code need more changes to work,
however. Lets see how long it takes to get a few ZeroMQ examples
running. I will publish my "fork".



On 10/29/2017 03:09 PM, Paulo R. Dellani wrote:
> Dear all,
> I would like to give ZeroMQ a try in Smalltalk, but am unable to
> load it on a new image successfully. In Pharo 5, I loaded the package
> ConfigurationOfZeroMQ from therepository in smalltalkhub
> <http://smalltalkhub.com/#%21/%7Epanuw/zeromq> and
> evaluated the following to load the code:
> ConfigurationOfZeroMQ loadBleedingEdge
> It seems to load everything well, but when I try to look at the source
> code of the methods that call the C routines from libzmq using the
> system browser, the system exhibits the following error message:
> UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #keywords
> RBFFICallPragma(RBPragmaNode)>>selectorParts
> RubSHTextStylerST80(SHRBTextStyler)>>visitPragmaNode:
> RBFFICallPragma(RBPragmaNode)>>acceptVisitor:
> RubSHTextStylerST80(SHRBTextStyler)>>visitNode:
> [ :each | self visitNode: each ] in
> RubSHTextStylerST80>>visitMethodNode: in Block: [ :each | self
> visitNode: each ]
> OrderedCollection>>do:
> (its a long stack, cutting here)
> When loading ZeroMQ on Pharo 6, a window pops-up with the title
> 'Syntax Error: Literal constant expected' showing the source code
> of a method defining a call to a routine from a C library:
> apiDeleteDC: aHDC
>     <apicall: Literal constant expected -> bool 'DeleteDC' (Win32HDC)
> module:'gdi32.dll'>
>     ^self externalCallFailed
> If I update the syntax, re-writing the code above as
> apiDeleteDC: aHDC
>     ^self ffiCall: #( bool DeleteDC (Win32HDC aHDC) ) module:'gdi32.dll'
> the compiler accepts it and the process can go on, but eventually
> the system will become unstable...
> Any ideas on how to solve this problems? Is this syntax still supported
> in Pharo5 & 6?
> Cheers,
> Paulo
> On 10/25/2017 03:47 PM, Sebastian Heidbrink via Pharo-users wrote:
>> ForwardedMessage.eml
>> Subject:
>> Re: [Pharo-users] Exchanging information between 2 pharo applications
>> (2 images running on two different computers)
>> From:
>> Sebastian Heidbrink <shei...@yahoo.de>
>> Date:
>> 10/25/2017 03:47 PM
>> To:
>> pharo-users@lists.pharo.org
>> Hi Cederik,
>> you should have a look at http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~panuw/zeromq
>> ZeroMQ is a networking library. Nice thing about it is that all the
>> networking related workload is dealt with in a second process. That
>> can save you some resources within Smalltalk.

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