Hi Stephane

Your booklet is very usefull, and show stuff that can only be done by code.

However, in your example, you show how to change syntax style, or enable
freetype, which can also be done using the setting framework, so I was
wondering, how would you position Startup Loader with the settings
framework ?

Next, you always use StartupLoader. In my recent Pharo 6.1 image, this
seems to be replaced by class  StartupPreferencesLoader. Not a big deal, I
was able to find the correct class through the message, but quite confusing
if you only read the booklet.

I tend to use raw image, and load everything from scratch, instead of
keeping multiple image around. So I try to clean things, or put things
automatically at startup

How to remove automatically at startup the welcome windows (probably
specific to Pharo 6)
World submorphs
  select: [ :sm | sm isSystemWindow and: [ sm label = ((Character value: 0)
asString, 'Welcome')]]
  thenDo: [ :window | window delete ].

Open browser automatically on package specific to my (little) projects
browser := Smalltalk tools openClassBrowser.
browser open.
browser ui packageSearchUpdate: 'MyPack'


2017-10-29 16:53 GMT-04:00 Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>:

> Hi guys
> I just published a new little booklet on Pharo tips and tricks!
> Available at: http://books.pharo.org
> Feedback and contributions are welcome as usual.
> Stef

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