Am 11.11.17 um 22:29 schrieb Викентий Потапов:

And also i mean some simple and understandable deployment tool (as in Cincom VW 
exists) but not manual-written bash scripts.  This tool asks me what 
class\accessor send open message, asks what to strip and how to pack my image. 
Few simple steps and i have perfectly cleaned minimal image with all image 
started methods tuned to load necessary class. It's really cool stuff. It's a 
pity, my low-level SmallTalk knowledge (VW + Pharo) is not enough to port this 
tool or create the new one.
just out of curiosity and following my first reflex: if VisualWorks offers most of what you need and is essentially what you want - why do you want to switch to Pharo?

This is not intended to be offensive or provoking. I just wonder if an open source project is the right thing for you. Pharo is emerging and has quite some pace doing so. This is both good and bad - at many levels. Commercial offerings may be a lot slower and thus less of a "moving target" (not sure I am citing you, but I know I read this in one of the threads about the current state of Pharo just these days), but they are pretty much focussed on issues like deployment and stable APIs.


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