On 25 November 2017 at 15:18, Викентий Потапов <vikenti.pota...@gmail.com>

> I downloaded the latest PharoLauncher image, use VM for Pharo 6.1.
> 1) On load i got an error with UTF8 encoding.
> 2) Every time i tried to create image (for example, Pharo 7 image) i get
> an error "Can't find the requested origin".
> Reported.
> Best regards, Vikenti Potapov
The overall difficulty here in getting this addressed is difficulty in
reproducing your environment.
For example, I think it would be awkward for me to operate with OS locale
set to Russian.
You'll see little action on it until there is an Issue logged at
pharo.fogbugz.com with a simple set of steps to reproduced for standard
environments (i.e. using English locales)

Reviewing your other posts, I'd suggest initially creating a script to wrap
Pharo startup that cleans all the environment variables to ascii
characters, temporarily creating required directories so at lest you can
get it started.  Then extend that script to reintroduce the error, like a
single non-ascii character in a single environment variable that causes an
error.  That extended part then provides a path for others to reproduce
your problem, which you would attach to the Issue.   Then as you
investigate a solution yourself, ask questions about it on pharo-dev to
keep the Issue active and over time you'll likely get some action from
others on it.

cheers -ben

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