Hi Sven and all,

I have a PostgreSQL database running in a resource-light Linux VM with ~4
million rows consisting of mostly text. My query executes regexp_matches() on
the text and it runs noticeably slowly.

I am encountering ConnectionTimedOut using P3 to run my query. PostgresV2 and
Python's pg8000 do work though. I see that PostgresV2's PGConnection uses
"Socket standardTimeout". I changed ZdcSimpleSocketStream class-side's
#openConnectionToHostNamed:port: bottom part to add the same timeout because
P3Client>>open calls it:

  ZdcSimpleSocketStream class>>openConnectionToHostNamed: hostName port: 
    ^ socketStream
      timeout: Socket standardTimeOut; "<== added this line"
      connectTo: hostIP port: portNumber;

Now my query returns instead of timing out. 

It does look like ZdcSimpleSocketStream's three class-side methods could use
some refactoring love.


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