I'm trying to use a (subclass of a) TreePresenter that is populated with 
FileReferences. I see that the current selection is, reasonably enough, a 
TreeNodePresenter, so I'm assuming that to set a selection programatically, I'm 
going to have to find the right TreeNodePresenter. 

So I've assumed a method allItemsDo: that I'm trying to write on my subclass of 
TreePresenter that will iterate through all of the TreeNodes and let me do 
stuff, such as looking at their #content to see if this is a node that I'm 
interested in.

But I can't! The #roots method of TreePresenter doesn't give me the root 
TreeNodePresenters; it gives me the file references that they contain. How do I 
iterate over the TreeNodePresenters? Or am I going about this in entirely the 
wrong way?


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